ARTFX Sound Effects Volume 1, A Free 1GB FX Sample Library


ARTFX Sound Effects Volume 1 is a free 1GB FX sample library released by Kaj van den Oord (aka ARTFX). All included samples are available in 16bit WAV format.

I’ve been spending the last two days working on a subject called sound design. The first day was used for recording al kinds of sounds like zippers, pieces of metal slamming into each other, skateboard wheels, beatbox sounds and a lot more. The second day has been the slicing and processing of the recorded sounds.After two days of work I ended up with 1 Gb of samples and loops, ready for further processing.

Now normally I would end up having this samples lying around for a while, but instead I’m releasing this sample pack for free download. No usual samples like drum hits in here, all unusual sound effects. The package containes 480 audio samples and loops ordered in 12 folders, total of 1GB.

I still haven’t downloaded the pack, but judging by the comments in the DOA forum thread, people seem to like the included sounds. I’ll check it out later today. Many thanks to ARTFX for sharing his work for free!

Audio Demo

ARTFX Sound Effects Volume 1 audio demo:

[soundcloud url=”″]


Contents of ARTFX Sound Effects Volume 1:

  • Atmospherics
  • Beatbox samples and loops
  • Downlifters
  • Impacts
  • Metallic FX
  • Robotic FX
  • Scratches
  • Swishes
  • Uplifters
  • Vocals
  • Weird


Download ARTFX Sound Effects Vol. 1: click here
ARTFX Studios Website: click here

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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.


    • bedroom producers blog


      same here, it seems like the author has removed his website. let’s hope he relaunches his website in the future.

      perhaps you could ask on DOA forums for a re-upload, i’m sure someone will be willing to help out.

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