Free Güiro Percussion Samples By No_Use

A cuban style güiro.

A cuban style güiro.

KVR Forum member No_Use has released a set of free güiro samples in 16-bit WAV format.

I always wanted to have a few samples of this (good for Reggae and the likes for example), so I took an old recording I did some time ago and cutted a few (some could need a bit tighter cutting maybe).

Nothing fancy at all, 16bit/44,1 mono unprocessed, no different velocities, no pre-done sample mapping, just the wav’s. Works best imo when you assign a few samples of the different folders to random or round robin in your favourite sampler. No licence and no copyright, so do whatever you wish with these.

The güiro samples are availble for free download via KVR Forums.

Audio Demo

Check out the demo track featuring the güiro samples:


Download Free Güiro Samples: click here

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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.

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