Durk Kooistra has released FreeBee, a free 3D flying insect simulation (!) for Native Instruments Kontakt.
Since I have been working on a set of Kontakt instruments for Audiomotif I became more and more interrested in Kontakt as a sound design tool. While mainly engineered towards the chromatic instrument simulations – Kontakts built in effects and scripting language allows you to create very effective sound design tools. Besides sound design tools designed for post production there is also a new line of synth’s and drum instruments coming out next month. (Audiomotif – Electro Tech Vol 01)
What else but a bee would be our simulation? A freebie bee – Right enough with the wordplay. The instrument is using a HP filter to mimic the size of the insect (more bass equals a bee – medium a wasp and only high’s for a fly). There is panning control and X-Y shifts; going from wide to narrow relative of it’s center. There is an EQ section you can use to enhence some frequencies when using a more extreme pitched keys (C1>C2 – C5>C6). The sample used is a synthesized sound and is being looped.
One word: awesome! FreeBee is available for free download via Durk Kooistra.
Video Demo
Check out the FreeBee demo video:
Download FreeBee: click here
Durk Kooistra Online: click here
1 Comment
onhow can i get this again??
the links provided arent working