Get 90% OFF Renegade Mini Bass Enhancer @ Pluginboutique!


Pluginboutique is running a 90% OFF deal on the Renegade Mini bass enhancer VST/VST3/AU/AAX plugin by SoundSpot. The sale ends on June 1st, 2018.

Renegade Mini is a multi-effect which was designed mainly for processing basslines, although it can be used to enhance other types of material as well. Its two main components are the saturator/widener module and the faux-sidechain section for applying a “pumping” feel to the audio signal on the input. When used in tandem, the two effects can turn a flat, static bassline into a dynamic sequence that easily cuts through a mix.

The saturator/widener module is controlled via the Drive knob. As the knob’s value is increased, the signal will become more saturated, more compressed, and wider, all at the same time. The developers state that the Drive knob performs eleven different operations at once so you can think of it as a single macro knob for enhancing bass sounds. The sidechain module is a bit more hands-on, providing a choice between three different volume sidechain curves and six timing modes (bar, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32). The sidechain effect can be disabled by clicking the Sidechain button on the user interface.

Renegade Mini is normally priced at $70 but you can grab it for just $7 until June 1st this year. There are less than three days left, so be sure to hurry if you want to take advantage of this deal. On a related note, Pluginboutique is running a similar deal on the Finality Lite limiter plugin by Joey Sturgis Tones and the Bass Station and V-Station Bundle by Novation.

More info: Renegade Mini (85% OFF @ Pluginboutique until June 1st, 2018)

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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. These continual soundspot deals are very tempting, but i caution people to stay away from soundspot plugins. I bought two of their plugins a while back, can’t authorize them on my new system and can’t get ahold of anyone at the company for tech support. #burned

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