KV331 Audio audio offers the Synthmaster 2 Player (usually $29) virtual instrument as a free download for a limited time.
Synthmaster 2 Player is the lightweight version of KV331 Audio’s flagship Synthmaster 2.
When I’ve spoken about the flagship Synthmaster 2 in the past, I’ve said things like it’s often under-valued or underestimated, and I still think that’s true today. KV331 Audio has made significant improvements and refinements to the Synthmaster range over the years, and it’s a very good instrument to have in your toolbox.

If you like the sound of Synthmaster but aren’t convinced enough to go for the premium version just yet, Synthmaster 2 Player is an excellent introduction, especially when you can get it for free.
To be fair, Synthmaster 2 Player is more than an introduction to the premium version; if you never upgrade, it’s still worth owning.
Synthmaster 2 Player comes with 2000 factory presets, which is perhaps its biggest strength. It’s ideal for anyone who wants a synth with a massive collection of ready-to-go sounds that don’t need much tweaking. You can search the many available sounds quickly with the smart preset browser.

Although it doesn’t go as deep as the premium version, Synthmaster 2 Player isn’t unflexible, each factory preset has eight knobs and two X/Y pads assigned to the sound designer.
The provided parameters are enough to make a sound your own, or at least add some personality, and you can use the MIDI Learn feature with your controller for a more hands-on workflow.
Another thing that might interest many users is the micro-tuning element of Synthmaster 2 Player – you can set tuning per preset or globally.
We aren’t seeing this offer for the first time; Synthmaster 2 Player was free (for a limited time) around the same time last year. But some products constantly come and go as freebies; it doesn’t make them any less worthwhile.
If you get to this article and the product is no longer free, KV331 Audio offers another version of Synthmaster 2 Player, which is always free. The difference between this version and the always free version is that 2000 presets drop to 550.
So, if you haven’t tried Synthmaster before, make sure to give it a go! Synthmaster 2 Player is available in AU, VST, and AAX formats for macOS (AU for iOS) and Windows.
And before we part ways, don’t forget that UAD’s Teletronix LA-2A plugin is free until October 31st! You can also read our list of free synth plugins.
Download: Synthmaster 2 Player (FREE for a limited time)
onI wish more users would be honest about it, of course we rely on presets ;-)
“Synthmaster 2 Player comes with 2000 factory presets, which is perhaps its biggest strength”.
onOne of my preferable instruments, i like too much
their sound design and patches programming …
Thank you!
Michal Ochedowski
onToo bad that this version can’t save presets or store any changes made to the patch.
onI am using Synthmaster 2 full version, so I haven’t tried the Player version.
If not possible to store in the VST, can’t you use your DAW to store tweaked patches ?
Michal Ochedowski
onYes, I already tried that. Recall doesn’t work. When I open saved project, Synthmaster Player patches are loaded in their default state.
onI can confirm this, As s a long-time user of the Synthmaster Player (paid version, not the free demo), I’d just note that in my previous versions, it did used to save the state of patch changes/tweaks. However, in the last 2 or so updates, it just wouldn’t any longer. I was supposed to update to the full version (ie, Synthmaster 2) some months back during a sale but fortunately discovered this issue during a project I was also doing at the time. I had also attempted to save changes as a plugin preset within the DAW and the like–which works for most installed plugins I have–but just didn’t have any luck. I do hope the ability to recall patch tweaks/changes comes back in future updates.
onWow, that is a major flaw, hope they will fix it.
I can understand that patches in a demo version can’t be recalled. But for a full version it is a must.
Christian H
onIn demo versions, saving presets is disabled.
onThis is no demo, full Synthmaster player.