HoRNet Chorus60 Is FREE For A Limited Time


HoRNet Plugins offers the HoRNet Chorus60 chorus plugin as a free download for a (very) limited time. There are less than 24 hours left to get it for free.

These 24-hour giveaways from HoRNet Plugins are fantastic, except they’re a bit hard to cover in our news section. So, I’ll write this article as quickly as possible so that I can share it with you quickly.

In short, HoRNet Chorus60 is a simple chorus effect inspired by the legendary chorus that came with the Juno-60 synthesizer.

We’ve seen several different plugin versions of this chorus from various developers, including the excellent TAL-Chorus-LX which I use all the time.

HoRNet Chorus60 takes things a few steps further by including features like saturation, oversampling, and hiss. It also lets you adjust the rate of each chorus mode and fine-tune the stereo width.

Much of the original Juno chorus’ charm stems from its simplicity. On the other hand, it’s hard to deny that having the ability to customize its internal settings is tempting.

So, if you like putting an analog-style chorus on your synths and need something a bit more flexible than the freeware TAL-Chorus-LX, HoRNet Chorus60 is the way to go.

HoRNet Chorus60 would normally cost you €10,90, but you can get it for free for a limited time. The giveaway officially lasts 24 hours, but there are around 20 hours left as I type this article.

To get your free HoRNet Chorus60, visit the product page linked below and complete the checkout process. That way, you’ll get a plugin license that you can use even after the giveaway expires.

Keep in mind that the developer’s website seems to be getting some heavy traffic, so there’s a waiting period when you visit the site. It took me around 30 seconds of waiting to access the download page.

HoRNet Chorus60 is available in VST3, AU, and AAX plugin formats for Windows and macOS.

Coincidentally, we are currently giving away the Fox Echo Chorus plugin by Safari Pedals. There are still a few hundred licenses left, so hurry up and claim your free copy.

Get the freebie: HoRNet Chorus60 (FREE for a limited time)


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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. you mean i gotta drink this coffee hot?


    I’ve compared this to Arturia’s Chorus JUN-6, Image-Line’s Vintage Chorus (FREE with FL Studio), and TAL-Chorus-LX (FREE and mentioned in the article). It’s not as good as any of those.

    Compared to the others it has noticeably less output by default (though it is adjustable), it’s less wide even at 100% wide, the overdrive seems a nice addition but to my ears it sounds harsh, the GUI is compressed and blocky and not resizable, and the Oversampling doesn’t seem to function properly because it sounds completely different with it on, noticeably smaller and duller.

    It also sounds most unlike any of the other three, which all sounds quite similar. What that says about authenticity to the original circuit and sound, though, I can’t say. Never owned a Juno.

    Overall I would say it’s a fine freebie, it sound good. But I wouldn’t get it for ten bucks, and I would probably sooner use any of the others regardless.

    • Yeah, HorNet plugins are kind of hit and miss. Tal-Chorus-LX sounds way better or, better said, it sounds great and HorNet Chorus60 doesn’t.

      • Hey, another Alex praising the TAL-Chorus! TAL-Chorus-LX is legitimately my favorite sounding chorus plugin, it’s fantastic. It may not have as many tweakable parameters as some others but it sounds beautiful

  2. Free promotion seems to have ended but for great alternatives to this check out Togu Audio Line’s TAL-Chorus-LX and Oblivion Sound Labs OSL Chorus- they both are modeled after the Juno’s famous chorus.

    I particularly love the TAL- use a direct signal of a single coil, some compression and that chorus up full blast for gorgeous 80s style clean tones. One of my favorite plug ins ever- free or not. It’s my go-to chorus

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