Izotope Neutron 4 Elements is FREE Until July 8th!


Izotope’s Neutron 4 Elements channel strip plugin is currently available to download for free until July 8th, 2024. 

The product is normally priced at $49 and is available in AU, VST3, and AAX plugin formats for Windows and Mac.

Neutron 4 Elements is the little brother of the full Neutron 4 suite, which costs $249. 

However, the Elements version still packs plenty of handy features for super-charging your workflow. 

Neutron 4 Elements is an AI-powered channel strip, and it is designed to “Sculpt sounds seamlessly while staying in your flow and mix in the moment.”

The appeal of this release is the integration of AI features within a single channel strip, so you can dial in the sounds you want quickly and with a smooth workflow.

Neutron 4 Elements was released in November 2022 and featured a significant revamp of the features from the previous Elements release.

Let’s look at what the developer has integrated into the current release.  

Neutron 4 Elements features Master Assistant, which has matching technology for tone, dynamics, and width. 

This allows you to match the tone of whatever reference file you plug into the suite. 

The Master Assistant can take on drums, bass, guitar, vocal, or other audio tracks to deliver the match you’re after. 

The developer has provided presets for this match feature, although you can also build your own with “stems, sounds, and acapella for every situation.”

Neutron 4 Elements pairs with the Audiolens referencing app, which can match your reference tracks from streaming services or any audio source. 

The Master Assistant is integrated into Assistant View, a control center for “fast, personalized results.”

The Assistant View “intelligently suggests processing for your audio that can be fine-tuned to your liking and lets you mix even faster.”

This is achieved by the Intent controls, where you can make improvements such as dialing in punch, distortion, and width before moving into the Detail View for fine-tuning.  

Neutron 4 Elements is compatible with macOS Big Sur (11.7) to Ventura (13.5) and Windows 10 to 11.

Apple silicon native chips (M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max) are supported for faster processing. 

The plugin is available for free download directly from iZotope’s website. You will receive a serial code to unlock and authorize the plugin.

Alternatively, you can download Neutron 4 Elements from Plugin Boutique. The website currently offers the Ozone 11 Elements plugin for free with any paid purchase.

Download: iZotope / Plugin Boutique (FREE until July 8th)


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Steve is a musician and journalist who hails from Melbourne, Australia. He learned everything he knows about production from Google and used that vast knowledge to create a series of records you definitely haven’t heard of.


  1. Does it mean it’s free ad vitam if you download it before July 8th or if I download it, I will have to pay to continue using it after that date ?

    • Avatar photo

      Steve Charlton


      As far as I understand, it’s a legit, fully free plugin. It’s not a free trial that only runs until May 8.

  2. The AI stuff is a game changer. Ask the AI to analyse the piece that it already corrected, and it will do even more. Repeat over and over. Even more fun would be to pass the song back and forth between two AI’s and see what a horrendous mess they’ll make.

  3. I know it says that it needs Windows 10 or 11, but does anyone know if it will work on Win 8? (I don’t really want to “update” my system if I don’t have to).



    Once again thank you to the whole team for this opportunity to benefit from an additional element, free of charge.
    Thanks to the Izotope company.
    Musical Friendship of France.

  5. Docent Novak


    I have Neutron3 Elements, and Neutron4 Elements. I use version 3 very often because it has free access to 4 plug-ins (compressor, exciter, transient shapewewr, eq). In version 4 there is no access to these plug-ins, everything is more automated and I practically do not use this version.

    • Michael in South Korea


      I’m curious to see how this Neutron 4 plugin works on my “music”!!! 😄

      Hopefully it won’t suggest a pop esthetic 😖
      But, guess I’ll find out!!

      Keep up the great work BPB!!!

  6. Pretty much useless if you already have saturation, compression and stereo width plugins.
    Shame the free version does not have some form of taster for the full version. Which is way too expensive anyway.

  7. Thanks Steve, BPB & iZotope, much appreciated
    Neutron & Audiolens both working on Mac Catalina 10.15, & pretty useful

  8. Steven Lowe


    Sometimes makes interesting variations to vocals, guitars etc, but introduces unacceptable latency to my drums, and always introduces unpleasant distortions to the guitars and vocals which can mostly be remedied by adjustments, or switching modules off.
    Not sure if it’s a keeper yet…

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