Get FREE Safari Pedals Fox Echo Chorus (OFFER EXPIRED)


Bedroom Producers Blog will give its readers 20,000 free Fox Echo Chorus licenses at 3 pm CET on May 8th. A big THANK YOU to our friends at Safari Pedals for making this giveaway possible.

After giving away Waves Kramer HLS Channel, IK Multimedia T-RackS Quad Image, and Mastering The Mix Limiter, it’s time for another exclusive freebie on Bedroom Producers Blog.

This is our small way of thanking you for following BPB and being a part of our bedroom producer community.

You can join our Facebook Group and subscribe to our newsletter to keep in touch and never miss a BPB deal.

The next giveaway starts at 3 pm CET on May 8th. Simply visit this page to claim your free Fox Echo Chorus license. We will give away 20,000 free copies in total.

UPDATE: The giveaway is now live! Please click the teal GET THE FREEBIE button at the bottom of the article to get your serial number.

UPDATE: This offer has expired.

Safari Pedals Fox Echo Chorus

Fox Echo Chorus emulates a legendary vintage echo unit you’ve most certainly heard of. The plugin typically costs $32, but BPB readers will get it for free on May 8th.

Safari Pedals implemented the vintage unit’s coolest features and added a few improvements while packing everything into an easy-to-use interface. While I always liked the original hardware echo, I actually prefer the control layout used by Safari Pedals.

Fox Echo Chorus is super easy to use. You can get classic analog echoes, reverb, chorusing, or any combination of the three. It also includes a handy tone control and the usual parameters for controlling the echo length and intensity.

You can fine-tune the echo mix and blend in some analog noise to make the delayed signal sound more “vintage.” I prefer to keep this setting off, though.

Another handy feature is the built-in auto-gain option. This takes some of the guesswork away and lets you focus on the tone and shape of your analog echo setup instead of worrying about the levels.

Each effect module can be bypassed with a single click. This way, it’s easy to only keep the reverb and chorus processing while removing the EQ and delay from the signal.

All in all, the Fox Echo Chorus is an excellent tape echo emulation with a genuine analog-style sound and a clean, easy-to-use interface.

Fox Echo Chorus is available in VST3, AU, and AAX plugin formats for Windows and macOS.

Get Fox Echo Chorus for FREE

We will give away 20,000 copies of Fox Echo Chorus for free at 3 pm CET on May 8th.

Add this giveaway to your calendar and return to this page to claim your free Fox Echo Chorus license.

Please click the teal GET THE FREEBIE button below to claim your free copy of the Fox Echo Chorus.

We will give away 20,000 free serial numbers in total.

After claiming your free serial number, please click here to download the plugin.

Then, install the plugin, launch it in your DAW, and enter your serial number when prompted.

UPDATE: This offer has expired.

Thank you for reading BPB! ❤️

More info: Fox Echo Chorus ($32 MSRP, will be FREE on BPB on May 8th)

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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.


    • I own a couple Safari plugins and those only require a simple serial.
      Not to blatantly plug them, but as someone who actively tries *not to buy reverbs, because I’ve got enough, their Rhino Reverb kinda surprised me. It’s really nice for just gluing stuff together in a space.

      • This is looking cool. As someone who just bought the Nembrini Audio emulation of the same unit, I’m looking forward to doing a side by side comparison with this freebie. To be sure I am loving the Nembrini version, but it wasn’t free (did get it on sale though).

  1. Thanks again Tomislav, BPB & Safari Pedals, an awesome plugin giveaway again, i will set my alarm & hope it will go off lol 💛😊

  2. so I just automatically get the plugin by viewing this page? Leaving a comment just in case, because I came to the page but havent received the license yet

  3. Thank you !

    This is the first time I’ve heard of Safari Pedals.
    I found a couple of Reverb I’m interested in.

  4. Not Working For Pc What So Ever On Any Daw. Theres No Install And Theres Only A Vst3 File That Is Seemingly Invisible To My Daws. No AAX File…………..

  5. Tomislav or Safari Pedals dev: is there a way to add this order to my Safari account so that it shows up as a “purchased” plugin? Thanks in advance.

  6. Pascal Hélary


    Good evening and once again thank you for this VST3 which will complete my list with great pleasure. This will allow me to try it out and discover the products that are offered there. Thank you again and have a good rest of the day.

  7. I haven’t tried this and i’m not sure if it works as i don’t have Pro Tools, but i seen this info and it seems worth trying if needed…

    Manually move compatible non AAX plugins – into to the Avid plugin folder / directory on your computer to be able to use these non AAX plugins inside Pro Tools.

    It would be ideal to be able to copy instead of move if needed.

    There are also plugin wrappers available to use non AAX plugins inside Pro Tools

      • Oh good, its just that i seen a few people leave comments saying they were missing AAX

        I don’t have Windows PC, only Mac and i chose VST3, AU & AAX in the Fox Echo installer menu and all are installed correctly on my computer

        All working in Logic and in Live, awesome plugin

    • I think i got this wrong about non AAX plugins being able to be moved into the Pro Tools folder / directory and work inside Pro Tools

      The link maybe related to installers, installing AAX files to the wrong folder / directory

      Maybe in an ideal world…

  8. Probably ok for a beginner.
    But it lacks controls for pro use, UX is a bit confusing too.

    Honestly guys if you want to improve your music production, spend less time getting freebies less time on installing software and reading blogs and more time actually using what you have.

  9. I clicked the teal button, but get a screen that asks for a username and password. What am I supposed to put in?

  10. Shreepad SM Gandhi


    I did try to get my free license key. And got it thankfully.
    And am happy for its quality.
    Thanks very much BPB
    From Pune, India…Love

  11. Tested it out a bit. Sounds great. I’ve been looking for something with this sound. No latency, too.

    The “dry/wet” reverb thingy is a little weird. But nothing too bad.

    10/10. Very thankful.

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