BPB Dirty Filter Plus

BPB Dirty Filter Plus

Dual filter with multiple distortion flavors (VST3/AU)

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It’s a Distortion Effect

BPB Dirty Filter Plus takes the original Dirty Filter’s distortion capabilities a few steps further. We included four different Dirt modes, each delivering a unique flavor of audio degradation. Don’t worry; the original Dirt mode is still there!

BPB Dirty Filter Plus

You can choose between four unique Dirt modes:

  • Mode A (Original) – The classic tube-style distortion that made you fall in love with the original BPB Dirty Filter. Designed to be highly versatile, it is capable of delivering subtle tube-style saturation, aggressive distortion, and sheer sonic destruction.
  • Mode B (Acid) – It’s what your audio would sound like if sprinkled with acid. The “B” dirt mode corrodes the signal in an aggressive yet musical way, creating entirely new textures. It brings boring sounds to life or closer to death as it eats through them, depending on how you look at it, musically, of course. Hint: it sounds amazing on 303 basslines.
  • Mode C (Dust) – Subtle distortion that adds a thick layer of dust for an instant lo-fi sound. The “C” dirt mode is perfect for drum breaks, drum machines, digital synthesizers, and anything else that you want to sound less shiny and more vintage.
  • MODE D (Cyber) – Reduces the bit depth and sampling rate, resulting in a carefully tuned bitcrushed sound. The “D” dirt mode is perfect for use on synthesized bass sounds, percussion, and robotic SFX.

Don’t forget to use the Mix knob to blend the distorted signal with the original audio. This is especially useful when working with drums.

It’s a Compressor

We equipped BPB Dirty Filter Plus with a highly transparent compressor with auto-gain compensation. While developing the compressor module, we had one word in mind: subtle. It brings out the finer details in your recordings while gently increasing the overall loudness.

If you’re using BPB Dirty Filter Plus as a coloration tool for enhancing your drum bus, the built-in compressor will help you add some glue without destroying the transients.

BPB Dirty Filter Plus

It’s a Dual Filter

We separated the Slope control for the high-pass and low-pass filters. It is now possible to have a more transparent high-pass filter while making the low-pass more aggressive and vice-versa.

Remember that BPB Dirty Filter Plus doesn’t need to sound distorted at all. You can keep the Dirt parameter at zero to keep the filters fully transparent and squeaky clean.

BPB Dirty Filter Plus

It’s BPB Dirty Filter Plus!

And that’s not all! We also made the GUI freely resizable, optimized the code, and implemented various enhancements to keep the signal under control even when the resonance goes crazy.

So, why is it called BPB Dirty Filter Plus?

First of all, this is a complete overhaul of the original BPB Dirty Filter, with a new GUI, additional features, and various under-the-hood enhancements. It is a completely new plugin (so you can have both the old Dirty Filter and the new Dirty Filter Plus in your DAW).

Secondly, we wanted to underline the fact that BPB Dirty Filter Plus is a pay-what-you-want plugin. You can download it for free by entering $0 as the price at checkout. You can enter any other amount to help us develop more plugins. Thank you!

More “Plus” editions of BPB plugins are coming soon. They will remain free to download, with the option to pay if you enjoy using our plugins. Thank you for your support!

Demo video

Check out the demo video below to hear BPB Dirty Filter Plus in Action.

YouTube video

What the users are saying

“You’re moving one switch, and you’re drastically changing the sound of the break.”A.J. Hall (Left Field Drum Breaks)

“I can see this being amazing for percussion-heavy tracks. It is already working wonders in my projects.”Azureblades (Beta tester)

“This little filter can get pretty wild and gives interesting results on breakbeats!”Oper-8 (Beta tester)


  • 4 Dirt modes (Original, Acid, Dust, and Cyber);
  • Dual filters (HP and LP);
  • Adjustable filter slope (12-48 dB/Oct);
  • Transparent compression;
  • Mix (0 – 100%);
  • Output volume (±12 dB).


  • Available for Windows & macOS;
  • 64-bit compatible;
  • VST3/AU plugin formats.

Legacy Download

You can download the old BPB Dirty Filter here.


BPB Dirty Filter Plus



  1. Great Plugin but please add the ability to bypass one filter! if i want to use only the LP and increase the dirt, the HP gets a resonant dip too (or vice verca). That would be really great :)

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