Dawesome, HydraTek, and Spektralisk offer three FREE copies of the Dawesome Kult virtual instrument and a brand-new double expansion pack to one lucky BPB reader!
The expansion pack project is called Oblivium, and it’s divided into two individual packs: Oblivium Alpha and Oblivium Omega.
It’s a meticulous collection of handcrafted presets that explore dark synth tones. The patches result from a collaboration between two sound designers who combined their artistic influences and unique styles.
Originally inspired by the Doom soundtrack and designed for Dawesome’s epic Kult synthesizer, Oblivium features a dark dystopian vibe. It is perfect for any composer or music producer looking for aggressive, organic, and complex sounds.
The sound bank has a strong horror-movie influence, and you will definitely get some inspiration for a spooky cinematic soundtrack.
Each expansion pack features 75 expressive presets, deeply customizable for both traditional MIDI keyboards and MPE controllers. The patches offer a vast array of sonic variation and customization possibilities for each of the 150 included patches.

With a main focus on complex sequences and aggressive, abrasive basslines, Oblivium Alpha thrives in gritty cinematic scenarios. It works great for dark bass-oriented music genres, while its sibling Omega takes care of desolate soundscapes and apocalyptic drones.
For those unfamiliar with Kult, it’s the latest innovative synthesizer from Dawesome.
Its uniqueness comes from its +30 complex oscillators, based on the mathematical chaos theory called Strange Attractors.

While not the place to dive deeper into this fascinating subject, it’s enough to say that you must hear it to believe it.
Kult’s innovative sound shaping options allow for organic overtones, a paradise for west-coast buchla-style synthesis enthusiasts.
You can further shape the sound with intuitive FM and AM synthesis controls, which seamlessly interact with the natural, organic sources.
The expanded filter section features a formant filter per voice, two comb filters that are driven by a distortion stage, and an analog filter with two coupled stages.
Featuring also an arpeggiator and a powerful but intuitive modulation system, the timbres possible with Kult are countless.
This is now your chance to get your hands on Oblivium, which offers a wide range of sonic textures to discover inside Kult.
More: Dawesome Kult / Oblivium Alpha / Oblivium Omega
The Giveaway
Dawesome, HydraTek, and Spektralisk offer three FREE copies of Kult + Oblivium Alpha and Omega to one lucky BPB reader.
To enter the giveaway, answer the following question in the comments section below: Do you prefer using presets or programming your synth patches from scratch?
We will randomly select and announce the lucky winner on this page on Monday, September 25th.
Good luck, everyone, and thank you for reading Bedroom Producers Blog!
The lucky winners are:
- Klaus
- Dmitry
- KalnzEB
Congratulations to our lucky winners (you will receive the prizes via email)! To everyone else, better luck next time – more giveaways are coming soon.
onI like to start with a preset and then tweak it.
Bob Linning
onUsually start with a preset and adjust.
Roberto Chehade
onStart with preset then tweak
onPresets with a generous amount of fx
onI program synths for the weird psychedelic sounds I often use, and use presets and tweak them for more “regular” sounds.
onDefinetly love using presets but i end up completly changing them up till they sound totally different
Jim Morris
onUsually a preset then tweak it if necessary.
Michael Marklin
onOnly with certain synth do I prefer to sound design. Generally, I do love me some sweet presets.
Steve Reading
onA bit of originality in a sound stands out so tweaking a preset is the quickest way to go, but random generated sound features on synths is becoming more popular and I’d like to see it introduced more. I realise for some synths this could possibly destroy the preset market though.
onI’d prefer presets.
Jürgen Velsink
onAlways use presets.
onPresets to check capabilities but usually either tweak or .ale from scratch to better understand the tool. for quick ones presets win though.
Monty adkins
onStarting from scratch. The fun is the process of making and tweaking something original.
onFrom scratch for me, it’s just more satisfying. That being said, I do make the patches often a fair bit before I use them, and I tweak them for every song I make just a little, aside from sound designing the output a bunch as well.
Antal Nusselder
onI prefer starting with a preset and tweaking a little bit to suit my needs/taste.
I usually don’t have the time to program stuff from scratch.
onI usually design them from scratch but like to be inspired by presets for a broader inspiration on what kind of sounds may be suitable other than what I have on my mind.
Tom Kelman
onI learned the basics of synthesis using presets and trying to understand what’s going on and what is affecting what.
With this knowledge now I always go for designing my own, unique sounds.
onPreset then twek it.
onUsually start with a preset
Juan José Genesir
onAmbas cosas mechustan los preajustes o establecer mis propios patch
Andy Callaby
onPresets. I then give them a tweak.
onI usually start with a preset and tweak it 🤙🏼
onStart with preset then tweak
onIt really depends on what I’m making, if I’m working on a main instrument, especially if it’s for something like a pop track, I’ll probably start from scratch. However, when I play around with expansive landscapes, I’ll often start with a preset and tweak it, then I might bounce that and run it through a host of FX and engines.
onI love to design my own sounds, but there are 10 or so presets on a couple of synth which are so good that I keep using them over and over.
Chris Alvis
onI love presets i own over 150 vsts. Im always looking for sounds that compliant the bassline I’ve created, with a midi tracks layered with a unique instrument preset. I feel sounds different to whats out there or trying to come up with a completely new sound. Unfortunately currently my systems crashed im in the process of a recovery…5days and counting. Pray im back at it soon and wold something like this took add to my collection. Peace
Marios Total Eclipse band
onBoth, we usually do our basslines and synths sounds from scratch as our band is known well for a specific type of frequencies and granular manipulations for the last 33 years, however, presets are very important for us in order to see and understand the instrument abilities and also a nice point to start tweaking and manipulate sounds to see what comes and also to enjoy the exploration process.
onI Def love presets. Without a starting point it’s hard to create a base sound of what your going for. But with the preset sky’s the limit. I have 2 go to vsts and they are mostly all I use because of the vast amounts of presets. But I will tweak my presets after I get a starting point because I like for my track to sound different. @dunlapexclusive
onLately I’ve been making synth sounds from scratch. I found out that my music have more purpose. Every sounds have their own purposes. I started this full month beatmaking, where I make 1 short track every day, using synth sounds from scratch, with very minimal samples usage. And today is day 2 lol
Gunnar Schuettler
onI like to pretweak my presets and thenuse them in my sessions…
Chase Rockwell
onLike most, I think, use a preset as a starting point.
Idalberto Torres Premier
onFrom time to time I review the presets and if some of them are more or less what I’m looking for, I check them and adjust some parameters, but I use the presets.
Monty adkins
onStarting from scratch. The fun is the process of making and tweaking something original.
onYep, but depending on free time vs vision i currently have.
onAlways start with presets and then tweak them.
Emmanuel Tuts
I always start with a preset and play further with the knobs……untill it stops……
Matthew Flook
onI prefer starting with presets and then tweaking to my needs to fit the track.
onStart with preset then tweak and try to learn how masters have crafted their patches
Paul Tuoti
onI usually choose presets, and then add Vst Effects as needed.
onStart with a preset then tweak it
Nate G
onprogramming synth patches from scratch. then layering with a preset. deducting whats too much then thicken with my sauce
onI prefer using presets for my production
Maurice Doucette
onI prefer tweaking the presets.
onIt really depends on what I’m making, if I’m working on a main instrument, especially if it’s for something like a pop track, I’ll probably start from scratch. However, when I play around with expansive landscapes, I’ll often start with a preset and tweak it, then I might bounce that and run it through a host of FX and engines.
Christoph Piminger
onI always start with presets to understand what’s happening. Afterwards, I try to use by myself.
onI tend to start with a preset and then edit it from there. Unless I’m using a sample based synth, in which cased, I start with a sample I import, and edit it from there.
onI’m a preset collector, but I love to tweak too!
Darshan Ajjamada
onI like to create my own patches
onGenerally time dictates using presets, tinkered with to fit song.
onI like to start from a preset and programming further if necessary :D
onfrom scratch
onI like starting from a cool preset then mangle the hell out of it until it’s a completely new sound!
onProgramming from “scratch” (changing a preset we like, or a randomizer button)! We save a bank of these presets we’ve made this way and usually there’s one or two qualities that might be in the original sound that we branch off of to make it our own.
onA bit of both, on days when I’m really lazy or just want to put an idea down quickly I fire up a preset. On other days when I’m struggling for inspiration I spend a couple of hours trying to create my own, success is rear though so I tend to just add fx to presets.
onI love exploring presets and tweaking them
onGeek the programmed!
onI always start with presets 🎹 I love them there like a lonching point. I can get ideas and inspiration as to how
I will proceed in my project.
onI am a preset tweaker :)
onI love good presets. They are often designed by experts with more talent and experience than me. There is always the possibility to adjust and tweak them later to make them more suitable for a track. A clear YES to presets from my side.
Adam Zero
I am a songwriter, music theorist, arranger. Not a sound designer. I get decision fatigue tweaking every knob & eventually can’t decide what sounds good anymore. With presets, I can focus on what matters most: making music.
onDepends on the synth, some are intuitve usable, like most fm-synths (from the scratch). Most of the new instruments are so complex that I try the presets and tweak them
onpresets and tweak..depends on the track! ;-)
Jon Carlos
onI rarely use presets. But I sometime like to study and try to reverse engineer them. There are really good presets, and many go beyond my understanding of sound design, and are designed in a much more practical way, than my own sounds. But I prefer to explore and enjoy the journey of designing a sound from the beginning. I also record a lot of sounds myself to later use them in samplers, and granular synths. Another reason I prefer making my own sounds, is that I can develop a more authentic character and style.
Ralf H
onI prefer to get familiar with the presets, analyze some of them,then use one as a starting point and develop something from there. This has proven to be a method with which I learn a lot and get great results.
onI like to start with a preset and tweek it.
I also make my custom presets from scratch for future projects.
onDepence of the complication of the synth, sometimes I prefer to use a preset and tweak or not, normally with soft synth. and sometimes with Hardware synth I prefer start form the scratch
onif the preset looks good, I take it, otherwise I modify it to get closer to the desired sound
onI prefer programming patch from scratch.
onMostly from scratch. Or start from a preset and change it.
onI really like to make my own patches but I’ll often start with the presets in an unfamiliar synth as they can really help to show what’s possible and also provide inspiration!
onDepends on what my mood does or what sound needs to make them compliment
I do program mostly
I use presets if I don’t much time or even don’t find some sounds that might be compliment
onIt depends. Presets are good, but creating from 0 is not a problem :)
onTweaking good and perfectly categorized presets can be a real time saver.
Definitely my starting point.
onMaking my own sounds :)
onDefinitely presets.
onI like to start with a preset.
oni usually use presets and then sometimes i tweak them but usually i just go with the preset
onMost of the time start with a preset and tweak it on the way + add effects on top.
Jacob Collins
onStart from scratch all the way. It’s a nice feeling to formulate a bass sound from scratch, or to make a nice melodic lead, or some intense super saws. I feel when I used presets in the past, upon listening to my creation, when everything is layered so nicely, the presets I used would often standout, and not in a good way. Sure, I went through the route of personalising then myself, but the satisfaction was never there.
Learning how to manipulate your chosen VST is a must for anyone, so instead of editing presets, why wouldn’t you just start from scratch, what’s the worse that could happen?
onI prefer making a sound from scatch over using a Preset but not in every case
onI like a bit of both. The possibilities of creating your own sounds are endless. Sometimes I might land on a preset, and I’ll tweak it until I find it suitable for my music. Either or, it’s fun.
onI’m a beginner, so this is a preset for now.
onGeneraly, I’m starting with preset and tweak it. I have Abyss, it’ an incredible synth and really easy to experiment !
Renan Victtor
onI prefer to use presets and then start configuring the way I need to get the sound I need
onFirst searching for a present and then reprogram the oreset so it fits well in the song.
onI start with a preset, tweak it eventually or start with the init-patch, depending on weather and mood.
Nomi Sunrider
onBoth, it just depends on the synth.
onI Like to Freak & Tweak Presets !
Antoine B
onDear BPB why pick a random entry and not reward those who put efforts into writing a thoughtful comment?
Many such posts do have great value as research material for brands. They pay research companies when they can read quality comments on your quality site…
I previously wrote such posts, drawing on my 20y experience selling and buying gear and testing probably a good thousand plugins.
Anyhow as a reply to this post I start from presets, my valuable advice is for companies to devise a smart preset browser such as what U-HE do.
I don’t just tweak presets I most often will build custom FX chains on top, particularly saturation and filters.
Overall I find synths build-in FX mostly useless as I much prefer using my personal delays and reverbs.
Only a few synths have really outstanding FX. One area where many synths lack is a truly great filter section.
I can’t recommend enough the lesser known Zebra CM, goodness what a delicious freebie !!
Thanks BPB anyhow and best producing to all.
onZebraCM isn’t truly free if you need to purchase a magazine to get it
onTrue, but it’s a great synth and you get a bunch of other useful plugins if you purchase an issue of magazine. I guess this post will be counted as an entry, so – I like to start from scratch, maybe tweak a preset every now and then.
Abhishek Stephen
onStart with a preset and tweak it later
onI prefer using presets.
Ulloo Drone
onPresets with small tweaks
onGood luck everyone! :)
Luke I.
onI love sound design so I like to start from nothing and build up a sound. However, when writing actual music it almost always makes sense to start from a preset and tweak.
Gonçalo Costa
onI prefer programming synth patches ;)
oni wrankle the knobs and hope it sounds good. no presets.
onI like to start from a preset.
onI usually find a preset.
onI also prefer to start with a factory preset and later mold it to my liking.
Synthie Lauper
onI like to browse through the presets and then modiefy them
Sam J
onI prefer to use presets and tweak them, because I don’t have the patience to create patches from scratch. What I love is a preset randomizer but few synths do this really well. One of the OGs in my opinion is Oatmeal by Fuzzpilz which had a great randomizer that seemed to generate endless interesting patches.
onStart with a preset and tweak!
onProgramming my own patches
onI like to do both depending on what I’m doing. ❤️
onI often use presets as inspiration when creating my own patches.
on– *inhale* Dude, but, did you know the init preset -IS- also a preset?
– Whoa, you’re 2deep4me dude, that’s… whoa…
Chris S
onI’m using presets & programming 50/50
onI prefer to use a preset as a starting point to get the sound I want. In other words, I almost never leave a preset in its initial state, but I do tweak it a bit more
onI prefer to tweak a preset, good luck everyone! ♥️👍
Jean Jacques
onI prefer start from a preset and tweak button and work on modulation options
Tyler G
onSame, love to check out and tweak all the presets before moving on to making them from scratch.
onBoth. Even though I am the creator of KULT I sometimes dissect the presets that other sound designers made, because they are using techniques that I had not in mind! there is always something to learn from. But sometimes its also fun to start from scratch. And when I create a synth … there are simply no presets in the beginning, so I have to start from zero.
onPresets for inspiration….from scratch for satisfaction!
Chris S.
onI like to start by browsing through some presets and then tweak from there to get the exact sound I’m looking for. Thank you for doing this giveaway! Kult is an amazing synth and the expansion packs sound incredible! Good luck everyone! :)
Matthew B. Carter
onI love trying to make and use my own presets on a vst synth. It can teach you a lot about how the synth works and then makes it easier to edit each sound to fit your productions better.
onI usually create the beat using presets with slight tweaks at most. Then at the end of the composition really dig into each sound and make sure it’s perfect to the idea in my mind. This way I don’t end up spending like 1 hour just tweaking a synth and forget my song idea.
– Marco
Sam Sephi
onHappy accidents are everything to me, and they are much more likely to happen if starting from a preset and then tweaking it towards the unexpected. To me there’s something much more inspiring about starting from a series of pre-established interactions, and changing the factors at play (very easy example, switching wavetables).
Conversely, if I’m not looking for inspiration and am trying to produce something specific – then of course starting from scratch makes the most sense (e.g. designing a sub bass or an overdub part).
It’s all about maintaining a sense of flow and not letting the instrument (or its presets) get in your way!
Good luck for the giveaway :3
onPreset from style at hand. If various sources, you get ideas which you might not get just by doing everything yourself from scratch.
Herbert Wallace
onUsually tweak presets.
Bogdan Shoshyn
onMost of the time i prefer use good presets and tweak them so they sounds even better!
Thank BPB for the giveaway! Hope i win license)))
onI usually start from scratch, but what I really ought to do is spend some time creating template presets for tried and true sounds and start from scratch when I’m trying to make something unique (like FX).
Starting from scratch may often feel like you’re trying to reinvent the wheel, but the other hand how do you get better at programming synths if you don’t start from scratch?
onPresets is the easiest way to start.
onGood luck, everyone!
on…from scratch usually.
onI m a preset guy , and these synth of dawsome are really awesome , thank u for giveaway BPB
onI am usually too lazy and too impatient to create my own sounds from scratch. The selection of good synths and presets is also very large. But sometimes I change presets so much that they no longer sound like the original and then save them when I like them. Most of the time, though, they’re more random hits haha.
But I really like it when you can automate sounds to make them sound more alive or just to create some movement.
onI prefer using presets
Peter Neilson
onDo I prefer using presets or programming my synth patches from scratch?
Yes :-)
onPreset tweaking, nowadays.
onPreset first to have some inspiration then tweak it
onPresets as good starting point and then tweak to fit the music you are making
Ryan G
onPresets serve well as patch programming templates
Docent Novak
onIn most cases, I make the bass from scratch, and the rest I look for in presets and modify them.
onIf I know what I want, I create my own sound from scratch. If I don’t know what I want, I try presets. Sometimes, it gives a new sense of music.
bill edwards
Krishna Seth
ondepends on your goals, Both approaches have their advantages and drawbacks .
at the end experience & creativity matter.
onI like programming my own synth patches from scratch. That said, I do use presets and even buy presets when learning a new synth, being able to load presets from other sources I feel like it is the parts of software synths I admire alot.
onFrom scratch!
onI kinda like to take inspiration from what already exist and then start from scratch but with an idea in mind!
Steve Bernard
onI generally start with a preset and then tweak it if need be. I would love to be someone who could craft something new from an initialized synth but I am not there yet.
onWhen I have a new plugin I listen to the presets to hear what the plugin is capable of and have a look what gets tweaked by the preset. Then I tweak myself and/or start from an init sound.
onIf I’m looking for inspiration, presets. If I have a sound in my head I want to create I will start from scratch.
onStart with a preset, and then tweak it to taste and usually drench it in reverb
onIt depends on the synth, some are more straight forward when building a patch from scratch, but others have so many options and hidden settings that starting from a preset and tweaking is a more conducive to the creative flow.
onDo you prefer using presets or programming your synth patches from scratch?
It depends on my mood… it varies.
I would try to program my synth patch from scratch if I have a particular sound in mind for the song I am working on…
But if I can’t find The sound by tweaking the buttons I would jump into the presets and use the one with the name the more appealing in accordance with the song’s vibe… and tweak the preset eventually to fit more with the other instrumentals…
But Sometimes I’d use a preset if I don’t have a chord progression… and fiddling with the preset could generate a chord progression…eventually a new song.
So.. it actually depends on the need or the mood or the time I have.
Cheers to all !
onfrom scratch…
onI like presets
onI always start with presets, tweak from there.
onI often like to start with a preset since the larger details such as arrangement, song structure, and melody are what get me to a rough draft the fastest. From there I’ll tweak presets to fit the track better, along with adding effects, more percussion, ear candy, etc
onWht’s good Bpb’s gang! I like both, use presets as an starting point and from scratch too, mainly when inspiration comes naturally!
onPresets to get the flow going, then tweak them.
onCurto muito as predefinições do plugin, depois se necessário mexo em alguma área.
onI like to start with a preset and then tweak it.
onNowadays I really like to program my synth patches from scratch and see where they will take me.
onMake my own. I always start on an “init” preset and build my idea from there.
onI do prefer using presets. There are some conditions that require me to do the sound design myself. but I still use presets more often.
onI usually use presets. Yet, learning a synth and know how to tweak some knob is great!
Simone Hmz
onPresets are a source of inspiration for me, a fundamental starting point for the creative flow
onLove presets, but also programming.
Jay K
onBoth. First learn more about the synth with presets and then start making my own.
Ray G
onFrom scratch – I like finding out what I can do with the synth…
Wayne Parker
onI like using presets, but I will create my own as well and or tweak existing presets. My default tho is to rock inspirational presets first – mostly because if I’m in the moment of creation I go with whatever sounds good.
onPresets to get get an idea down quickly, then replace later with homebrew patches.
onSometimes i play around with the presets and sometimes i create my own synth patches
Rick S
onI create mine from scratch, it helps with growth.
onfrom scratch
onI usually use presets and modify them later, but sometimes I feel like making something from scratch and when I get the right effect, the joy of creating it is much greater.
Gery Zenz
onpresets most of the time
onDepende, a veces arranca de cero y otras desde un preset!!
onI like to start from scratch
Alex Pons
onI start with presets and midify them if I don’t like the result I try to create my own synth patches.
I also like random little dice buttons.
onStart from some preset.
Patrik Roncolato
onSynth from scratch 4 life
onMostly from scratch, but some presets are very nice.
onPresets while producing. Programming when I’m bored / experiencing creators block
onPreset settings
Aitoreya Mukherjee
onI prefer programming my synth patches from scratch, but I do cycle through factory presets to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses.
onRigorously no preset, unless I’m dealing with PCM style sounds
onI start from some presets ending up programing
onI prefer presets, and to tweak them further
Also nothing that Audiolatry has a competition going, win all their plugins, one day left to enter
onPreset and then adjust.. Thanks.
Ian Blake
onTweak a preset!
Alex Schiff
onI like to see what something is capable of by seeing how many presets sound good and then making adjustments starting from there. It’s rare I will start completely from scratch but it does happen
Eanna Butler
onA good preset can inspire a whole track! Presets for the win! Map three or four params in an Ableton rack, and automate. Done!
onI tell myself every time that ill make my own presets never happens doe
Rafael B
onIt depends. If it’s only a short DAW session possible, I click through the presets and then adjust them if necessary or use them that way with another VST efx or outboard effects. If I have a lot of time or a sound design session coming up, I like to “draw a sound out of the synthesizer from the init preset” myself. Kind regards
onI always start with presets to get me close to the sound I want then modify it to work with my track, and effects chains.
onI like to use presets, but I tweak them to make my sounds more unique.
onI prefer presets as a baseline, and I tweak them as needed.
Carlos Romero
onI help myself from both. I never usually modify the factory Presets, if I do, I duplicate them and put the name with an indicator that I have modified it. First when buying a Plugin I look at all the presets that I like and when I start to master it, I create new ones from scratch. Greetings BPB!!!
Lyle Coldwell
onI prefer finding a preset, then tweaking from there. On ones I’m unfamiliar with, starting from scratch will help me learn.
onI prefer presets.
onI’m definitely in the “preset as a starting point, then fiddle to taste” camp. Thanks for the chance!
onIt really depends. Sometimes making a synth from scratch really hits, other times, I feel better leaning on a preset. They’re there for a reason, right?
onFrom scratch.
onmaking patches. i use presets just when i have a new synth and want to see/hear the range of the synth
but otherwise i mostly make patch
onI like starting with presets, and tweaking then until I get my own personalized patch!
onIt depends on synth and my mood. Some synths are fun to tweak, and some are too complex. In that case I’ll prefer presets.
onPresets as a starting point. Random button is good too.
onI program my own patch from scratch
onI prefer to tweak a preset.
Sketz Ernas
onSounds good, i like it!
Also, right now i prefer to use presets and modify them a little if needed, but i hope to get into creation of my own from scratch.
onI prefer program my own patches from scratch!
Max Krynicki
onprogramming myself
onI will use the presets, Then I will change into my liking.
Peter Olsson
ontweaking presets
Paul Korol
onI like both.
onDiscovering and learning synth with presets, tweeking and programming when using it in prod.
Andrew Forsha
onI prefer using presets because I am new to synthesizers. The presets help me understand how sound synthesis works.
Alex Holbert
onrogramming from Scratch:
Complete control: Starting from scratch allows for precise control over every aspect of the sound, enabling unique and tailored results.
onI’m lazy ;-) Presets.
John B.
onIt depends on the synth I’m using and the complexity of the sound I’m trying to achieve. Some synths (eg Synth1) I am more inclined to program from scratch because I know the architecture and can easily home in on the sound I want. If it is a more complex sound I’m looking for, or a new Synth engine I haven’t explored much yet, I’ll more likely start with a preset and tweak (as the vast majority of folks have stated).
Often presets are the quickest way, and good presets can inspire me to take a different direction than I had originally thought I would go.
Mark Lorax
onAnything. Whatever works.
onI enjoy the tweaking very much
onDepends on the synth , I make my sounds in vital from scratch , but Presets can be good for starting point in some synths like arturia with thousands preset library. They can also inspire you.
Different sounds = Different Mood & Melodies
onI start with a patch then break it and make something new.
onFrom scratch!
onProgramming from scratch… after having listened to the presets. ;)
onI enjoy using presets often, but I will augment them and alter them to my uses
onI programme sounds for scratch, but for Inspiration I use presets as starter up
onBoth but i mainly go for presets and change the end results with effects.
onI love using presets, but I usually tweak them to fit the mix.
June Bugg
onI like making sounds from scratch but I get into some pretty deep rabbit holes, you only have so much time and I’d rather spend it getting ideas and feelings down as quickly as possible. Presets presets presets definitely!
onI generally prefer programming my presets from scratch, but presets can be a welcome inspiration and give an idea of a synth’s capabilities and functionality, especially if it’s complex or unique.
onI usually start from scratch if i have any idea in my head about the exact sound that i want to create. Otherwise, i just use presets and modify them a little bit. It also depends on the synth itself. If it is a wavetable synth or a hybrid one like Viral, Serum or PhasePlant, generally prefer to start from scratch and then experiment with the sound. If it is an analogue emulator, a semi analogue synth or something like that, i prefer to use an already programmed preset without modifying it at all, as long as it reproduce the original sound that the author wanted it to reproduce.
onfor me both. just depends on how I feel like. if I feel inspirational – I usually make my own, and to be honest sometimes it turns out to be banger lol. feeling lazy or I just have bangers made by other artists in my pocket – I use them. I am a serum user tho
Kyle Cean
onI prefer using presets.
onUsually, I start with the presets, then I try some tweaking on a sound that impresses me and finally I make my own preset after a while of hanging around with the feeling.of the sound, thanks!
Lee Morgan
onI don’t care, if the sound is good, don’t matter if it came from me or not… I try to learn How to create my own synths, But i use pressets often two…
Konstantin K
onMood dictates, some time it’s “preset – then adjust”, another time it’s “from scratch”
onI use presets that I modify most of the time. Thanks for the giveaway !
onMaybe start with a preset and adjust, “random” is a good choice too!
Suraj Singh
onPresets is Cool and When I Start Music Production I Always Using Presets
onI prefer prefer using presets.
onGeek the programmed!
onAlways start with initial (if there is an option) and dive deep to explore the capabilities of the synth. On the way I save a l patches that I like the synth sounds.
Dhruv Negi
onLast Hope!!!
onI like to use presets to put in the clips to make adjustments to the settings
onSometimes I use preset as it is if I don’t have a clear vision for a sound and maybe tweak it to match the song. But if I know what I want, it’s usually faster to make sound from scratch.
Christian Krupa
onI definitely do a bit of both, but got some reason I feel like I’m cheating unless I start from scratch, which if you think about it is a bit daft, unless you build the synth yourself maybe… hang on, is that why I’m building noise makers in a shed down the road out of old TV valves? 😂
Brenny C
onFor me it’s a combination of the two. I’ll often start with patches and tweak the synth settings in order to quickly get the sounds I’m looking for, but I do also start from scratch sometimes if I have more time and can spend it on sound creation.
Good luck everyone!
onI will prefer ready to use preset and small tweaks for perfect sound.
onI typically start with presets and tweak from there. I occasionally need some new inspiration that only starting from scratch can fulfill.
Abhay Mehta
onI produce in a flow and if I started sound design while producing it will break my flow state so I love to use presets.
Ho Shui Win
onI like choosing a cool preset then mangle it until it’s a new sound!
onMost virtual synths have one or more “init” presets. I have never missed the opportunity to start there and explore the thing. Polished presets are fun but often make us too humble to begin our own trip into the unknown!
onPresets and adjust if I know what I am looking for. From scratch if I want to be more experimental
onLove to hear awesome and inspiring presets but also want to create something new.
Sean C
onBegin with a preset. Sometimes adjustments are made. Sometimes only fx or amps and such.
prismatic brain
onI prefer to make patches from scratch.
onLove Fine tuning stock presets and renaming them as my own for reference
onStart with a preset and tweak to taste
Snatch Numan
onDepends on the synth, to be honest. On classic subtractive synths I prefer starting from scratch. With FM, granular and more complex synths, I usually start with a preset and tweak it.
onI use presets mostly, but only because my own sound design skills aren’t as good as I’d like them to be yet. I’d love to achieve the level where I could sell presets myself.
onlately I find myself using more and more presets just so I don’t get stuck in sound design all day
onProgramming for the win! Always fun and you can get the exact sound you need.
onI prefer to program sounds from scratch, starting from the init patch.
Jesus Angulo
onStart from presets and then go on from there.
onPrefer to build my presets from scratch and then get inspiration from premade presets
onI program from scratch, but if there are certain sounds I can’t really replicate, I’ll open a preset and do reverse engineering to understand how they make the sounds.
onI prefer to program from scratch most of the time, unless I have a task which has to be done quickly.
Santiago M.
on90% of the time I prefer making my own presets
onSo many interesting and inspiring comments! Thanks guys and good luck with the giveaway.
Jason White
onLove building my presets from scratch. Helps make my music more unique and I learn all about the synth in more depth, rather than just relying on the inbuilt presets.
Good luck everyone in the competition! :-)
onI like presets to start off, and then if I got time I can loose myself in hours just tweaking around :)
Gary Thompson
onWell even though I love sound sculpting and feel the need to be original but have to be honest and say that I prefer presets. I gets me inspired so quickly and keep it melodic from there.
onI prefer using presets if I had to pick. I like sound design, too, but when I’m in a songwriting mood, I’m not in a sound-designing mood and visa versa. Plus I like to treat presets as helpful band members: they contribute sounds I didn’t have in mind but changes the tracks for the better. It gets me out of the formulaic rut of dialing in the same patches and expands my understanding of options. Then I take what I learned and hone it when I’m back in sound-design mode.
onQ: Do you prefer using presets or programming your synth patches from scratch?
A: Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me.
onI just tell chat GPT to write a song for me and call it a day
onIn my case it’s always a combination of both. I usually start with a preset and prepare a demo of a song, and the further I go, the more I tweak the patches and create a couple of new ones when necessary. With millions of patches available, often created by top notch sound designers, it makes no sense not to try and adopt them in my music. Besides, deadlines often make you take a shortcut when possible so you can spare some time just in case you have to focus a bit longer on mixing and mastering.
onBoth for sure! Depending on the mood and situation.
onI prefer doing my patches from scratch. But I like preset browsing too because sometimes thy can show the full potential of a synth.
Matt H
onI like to start from a preset
Francesco LM
onI prefer to program my patches from scratch
onstart with a preset and then tweak it
onI usually use presets and tweak them a bit, but depending on the context sometimes I prefer to make my own sounds from scratch
onI use every method available applicably. I use presets when I’m In the mood to make a beat fast, & get an Idea out more quickly. Then If I don’t like the sound/preset I will then use the secondary option which Is to tweak the preset to preference, liking etc.
Lastly. The 3rd method, in no particular order to prior methods, would be to just create a preset from (INT) scratch. I tend to sound design my sounds when I want a more unique sound stylistically for certain vibe.
Ultimately, (presets) teaches/shows you the inner workings structurally of what control features to be engaged for “sound design” is predicated upon theoretically..
In turn “sound design”, & having a grasp, understanding of it allows you to then masterfully create presets. Which IS why I say I use all 3 methods, i.e preset, tweaked modified presets, & straight from (INT) scratch
And I always start with the basics, essentials etc. Then I’ll try to get fancy with effects/modulation patterns lol..
onUsually just use presets honestly, tweaking them if necessary
Jordan Robles
onI prefer use presets and tweak them till they fit in overall mix and blend perfectly in vibe.
Jan w.
oni am a tweaker, often starting with thoes INIT sounds and fiddeling around from there
Ben Swartz
onStart with a preset then customize it
onTo be quite honest, I spent years trying to learn to make my own patches but honestly, I still love presets. Besides being great to study, they actually help me in writing music. I find a big issue with making my own for a project is often getting lost in said sound design rather than actual music writing aspect.
oni love make start patches from init patch .-) from null to somethink new :)
onUsually start with a preset
onUsually I find a preset that is the closest to the sound that I look for, and then tweak it to my taste
onProgramming my own patches which is the beauty of sound creation anyway.
onBoth depending on what I need.
onDepends, if time is a factor then presets offer a great starting point so you can just get on with making music. If I have more time I like to create my own weird and wonderful presets, especially in synths like Vital, Serum & Alchemy. I don’t think people should be so hung up on whether to use presets or not; if it helps you to make great music then why should you care?
onProgramming patches, saving them and being surprised by them later when trying in the context of another track. Some become recurring, like when you make a unique and effective bass patch.
Jerry Abstract
onPresets – if they are good.
on40% – use my own presets, 60% – presets from developer
onUsually I use presets as a starting point, but I’m slowly learning how to make patches from scratch, especially in Vital. Some synths have a “randomize” option which generate brand new sounds on the fly, and I find that fun, especially in Melda’s MSoundFactory which has allows you to adjust the randomization amount by ctrl+clicking or alt+clicking the “Random” button.
onPresets are a great starting point to see what the synth is capable of. There are some sound designers who can really create a work of art. And then you try to come up with something that is not a work of art but work in progress but that is fine. It is always learning from the best and trying to get better.
onI like to tweak some presets! But give me presets and samples …cause I don’t that much braincells to waste!
onI can do both depending on what the music is doing or needing. I do like to find a preset that I like the general vibe of then launch off into new tangents with it and see where that ends up.
d(e_e)p VOiD
onFrom scratch.
Pablo Baico
onI prefer programming my synths patches from scratch.
onYes, I prefer.
Francesco Ricci
onLike everyone else, I prefer to use the best of both worlds.
onProgramming myself.
David Marek
onPresets I guess.
onI’ve been using presets a lot lately.
onI prefer to use presets.
Andrew Hall
onHi. I prefer to tweak a preset.
Salvador Delatorre
onDefinitely prefer to scroll around through presets and build from there
Jonathan Marchant
onI like to use presets most of the time, but if I’m feeling froggy, I sometimes build one from scratch and save it for later.
onMe myself.
onI’d say it’s 50/50
onI like to be creative and do it myself. But sometimes presets are much more interesting than what I can come up with myself. In this case, I will select presets.
Mark Hughes
onI like to start with a present, tweak and add fx.
germán schlude
onI use presets because as a blind person, manipulate lfos or ascillators is dificult to me.
ona little of both for me. I’ll usually see what a synth can do by thumbing through presets, making tweaks along the way. Then I’ll often begin searching for the “init” patch or setting (sometimes for much longer than I’d like!). From there, I like to explore from scratch. When tweaking existing presets – they often sound so good these days, it can be pretty hard to make it sound anything but worse when tweaking existing presets IMO but all depends on the synth!
onMostly use presets and edit them, only a few times have I found a preset fit so well that I barely touched it. More often it ends up sounding completely different, but the preset gives a good starting point.
Josh Cooper
onPresets define the sound I’m looking for, then slight adjustments can sometimes get it to a finished state, when I want to get really creative, I go for a preset that is not really suitable, then try to mould it using an arsenal of tools and effects… Experimenting can often bring totally new flavours to a once simple sound, which never fails to surprise my ears.
Arnold Robles
onI like to start with a preset and tweak from there.
onI love finely crafted presets that I can tweak to my liking rather than start from scratch. I’m not big into sound design, I’m more of a plug’n’play kinda guy.
Alex Hepting
onUsually the presets sound cheesy and not fitting really into other takes so I tweak sounds with a lower octave I have freedom layering with different tops which can be more detuned. Also splitting different timbres on the piano scale which is fortunately not only possible with samplers.
Joshua Veldman
onI like to find a preset, strip it of FX, tweak it and then later add my own effects. That’s the ideal way to get where I want to go
Daniel Calado
onDefinetely, from scratch. Where’s the fun otherwise?
Robert Saunders
onI prefer using presets because I don’t have any sound design skills.
Georgios Matis
onI love presets. if it needs some tweaking i might do but prefer the sound complete from the provider.
oni tweak that preset til it doesn’t sound like that preset any more.., and then i’ll tweak it some more..
Kahlil Smith
onI would prefer to program my own sounds but I really don’t know how to create sounds useful to my genre(s). So ultimately, I scroll through TONS of presets.
jay jay
onPresets will make me lucky more :)
onHi, I like to create my own patches.
Claud Anghel
onpresets all day
onUsually but not always start with a preset
onpresets mostly
onI like using presets as a starting point fit programming my own patches quite often.
onI prefer DIY with Phaseplant
onI usually go through the presets when demoing a synth and then, if the synth stays in my toolkit, I try and ignore the presets and make my own until I have a good grasp of the instrument.
Jack Armstrong
onI definitely use a combination of both presets and making my own sounds from scratch. There’s often a steep learning curve when figuring out what every parameter of a synth does and how they work together, so taking a preset and deconstructing it down to the simplest part, and then reversing all of that is a nice way for me to understand how the preset is built and how the synth works. And then I can tweak the preset or use similar elements when making a sound from scratch to make new sounds without feeling like I’m just flailing and turning knobs at random.
onI like to explore presets and then I tweak them to get the sound I want when inspiration hits.
onI prefer a preset setting and then modify it to my liking.
onI prefer watching a tutorial about all the features and that helps not getting stuck mid-way in a project. Either that or reading the manual is always an option
onFrom scratch for me, it’s just more satisfying. That being said, I do make the patches often a fair bit before I use them, and I tweak them for every song I make just a little, aside from sound designing the output a bunch as well.
oni prefer presets
onI like to start with a basic waveform then discover where I can take it via various processings and manglings:)
Krzysztof Szychowski
It is dependent on what is being done. Some situations demand a new sound other situations can be a derivative of a preset. So, both is the answer.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the plug-in.
onI like creating my own patches, but that’s more random exploration rather than designing a particular sound. When producing, I tend to use tweaked presets.
onUsing presets as a starting point and working from there. Unless I have a specific sound I am trying to create
Falko Erkmar Freund
onStart with preset then tweak
Al Felton
onI usually prefer presets so that I can get a feel of what else I can do with my track. Once I get a handle on the synth then I will create my own.
onI would try the presets first.
onBrowsing presets is a great way to have a starting point for tweaking and sculpting the sound, of for finding inspiration, and discovering the instrument capabilities, even if you have a very specific sound in mind.
Jay Tea Moore
onI prefer to use presets and then do some tweaking, if needed.
onPresets, then tweak to fit the track :)
Roberto Bravo
onI like to build a synth by myself with a reference sound to achieve the sound that I want.
onPresets are the tools that teach you how to get what you want.
Karsten Krause
onIt entirely depends on each new track; presets as starting points or starting from scratch.
onPresets can be good for inspiration, but I never leave them unedited. I love sound design, about as much or even more than I love making music.
onI prefer to create a patch from scratch. I use presets to learn and for new ideas to explore.
onSometimes programming is good what’s make the sounds unique but I like too good preset’s. Both options are good!
Patrick Osterday
onI like to look at presets to see how sounds I like are programmed. After I understand how to get specific sounds, I prefer to make the presets myself.
onStart with preset then tweak
onI create generally my own sounds …
onPresets are a great way to get inspired !
Al F
onI explore the presets, choose one I like and then change it to the context of what I need.
Martin Osteroth
onMostly Presets, but later adjusted to my needs.
Kick Thakur
onI personally find that it really depends on my creative process and what I aim to achieve. I see the merits in both approaches. Using presets is fantastic when I want to save time and have immediate access to a wide range of sounds. However, when I’m looking for complete creative control and the ability to craft one-of-a-kind, personalized sounds that can truly make a composition stand out, I enjoy programming synth patches from scratch. To me, the ideal approach often involves a combination of both techniques using presets as a starting point and then fine-tuning or layering them with custom elements to create a genuinely unique sonic palette.
onI’m a preset tweaker!
onI usually start wirh preset and fo fromm there
onI prefer to made my own presets from scratch and I use them if I can.
Of coruse I also like to use original presets or modify them – it all depends on what I am looking for.
Making sounds is for me nice hobby – like making music.
onFrom scratch baby!
onI like to mix and match. If I like the preset then I use as it is otherwise I tweak it till I hear what I like.
Ryan Martin
onFrom scratch, but sometimes use presets to work off of if I have a more specific sound in mind:)
onI’m relatively new to making electronic music, so I always start with a preset that matches the vibe of whatever song I’m working on. From there, I’ll modify it (usually with a bitcrusher or LFO, my favorite effects).
onProgramming from scratch
Mikael Fredriksson
onI like to start with presets and then go crazy experimental :)
onUsually start with a preset and adjust.
wagner Alves
ondeve ser maravilho essa predefinições top demais esse eu queria
onI usually start with presets and then tweak them also. I actually find it quite hard to create whole sound in any synth from the scratch
Damya Thompson
onI’m trying to learn sound design so when it comes to synths I program my own sounds :)
onI start from scratch to check, using a few of my favorite settings, how the synthesizer sounds compared to others that I already know.
onI start with the presets because is faster but if and when I have time to play around I will make my own. thnx :)
onI overwhelmingly prefer creating patches. Some days I’ll sit with one of my synths or plugins and just design sounds, with no goal other than the pleasure of creating something new. And those experiments often inspire new tracks, which demand more new patches. It’s a beautiful creative feedback loop.
onDepends on my mood, but I often start with a preset and tweak it as I see (or hear) fit :)
onI like building new sounds out of inspiring presets
Daniel Ene
onQuality presets are always welcome
Dave Younger
onInprefer to roll my own, but am not averse to a good preset.
Dave Thomas
onuse preset settings as an idea to help understand how a new vsti can be used
Nattapak Kaweethammawong
onGreat presets, its make more idea for work
onI like me some well-crafted presets
Mori Frik
onI like to use presets, to tweak them. But sometimes I create a self-made presets
Laura Reynolds
onCombination of both. I understand synthesis and enjoy programming my own patches, but sometimes I just need something quickly. If I am familiar with the preset library, that can be the fastest way to get a patch I want; but if not, then it may be faster to just program a patch from scratch, depending on the synth. For FM stuff, I tend to use presets.
Mate Simunić
onI like and use both but i prefer building it from scratch.
Cody T
onMan, tough to say as it really depends on my mood and the synth and what I’m trying to achieve. I always feel slightly weird about using presets in a song (zero judgment of others doing this though!). Dawesome is becoming a top 10 dev in the past couple years. Epic style and ear for what sounds great!
onCustomize presets
onStart with preset then learn to build from scratch.
Dawesome & Spektralisk both killing it at the moment!!!!
eric J
onI love good presets. such a good way to learn some of the synths features.
onI prefer to start from a preset and then tweak it a bit, for speed.
Ivan Grigorov
onusually i try both
onBoth ways, but most often I tweak a Preset.
I love sound design and creating my own patches, but I also use many presets when composing.
onI prefer to program my synth patches from scratch, but whenever I have time, I try all the presets and save those which inspired me as favorites, either to use as is, or to dissect how they were done, or as a basis for a new patch.
Johnny Yesno
oni prefer to use presets, but i always tweak them (and they end up sounding totally different and not like what I expected, but that’s the fun part of producing :)
Success Ajayi
onI love using presets and then set to taste
onthere are companies and designers who know this well and I will never create better sounds than them, which is why I prefer to use ready-made presets,
emre babus
onMostly prefer programing my own patches from scratch.
onI Prefer starting with preset, then i tweaking them
onI use presets a lot and I don’t think where anything is wrong with it.
Christian GERARD
onI prefer using presets
Steve G
onI always start with presets to then tweak from there.
onWhen I had time in my youth? programming them.
Now that I’m a father and need to pay the bill, presets !
Aleks MZ
onI much prefer programming synth patches from scratch.
onI do a combination of both. I make presets from scratch, and use factory presets (mostly tweaking the parameters)
Thanks for the chance!
Ben Jammin
onFor the most time I listen to the overall sound of a synth and it’s presets to get an idea of what to create out of it and then I either pick a preset and experiment with it or I take the idea of my journey through the bank and start from scratch and try to get to the vibe I captured and try to create it.
Good luck all!
Sezinando Manna II
onI start from a preset and then I work from there if I feel the sound needs that.
onI think it’s best to start from a preset that suits your production and then modify it to your liking to give it the final touch.
onUse your favorite presets. Program the software you are familiar with from scratch.With love from Japan!
onBasically, I create a preset myself
onFor architecturally complex/unusual plugins my standard MO would be to pick a preset that’s close to what I want and tweak to taste. Or, if there’s a randomise button, I’ll hit it until I get something I like, and tweak. Subtractive analogue-style patches are way more likely to be built from scratch.
Jamie Marvel
onI prefer not to prefer :)
on– Do you prefer using presets or programming your synth patches from scratch?
– I prefer tweaking the presets. We can learn much by analyzing the included ones.
I think it helps to understand the workings of the more complicated plugins.
It would be awesome to animate the changes (sliders, knobs) – some interfaces can do that, but that can be very process-heavy and can increase latency.
Scott Sturgis
onI like starting with presets and then modifying them from there. This is perfect for my Techno too!
Peter Teipe
onUsually start with presets then dial it in further to my preference for a given track.
Darin Paterson
onPresets then tweak as f
Matt DragonDope
onYea, I’m usually a bigger fan of making my patches from scratch.
onIt depends if I need inspiration, or if I have a specific idea in mind
Michael Curry
onI prefer presets for a starting point, if I really know the synth, I will make adjustments, or occasionally start from scratch.
onStart with preset then tweak
onOoh! Pesets save me Time….and I Can sculpt myself from them.
onBoth…& everything in between…
onOften I using presets for a starting point but I also built sounds from the scratch or using random generators.
onBorn as a preset man :P
onPresets and then some tweaking
onI do both, but mostly using presets and modify it.
onSometimes from scratch, sometimes start from preset
Nick Severny
onEither starting from scratch or with my own patches I created earlier. It’s always good to know the intricacies of a patch, and there’s so much new and exciting stuff to explore about a synth when you set it all yourself
Joseph Wilk
onI like to use random parameter generators and then tweak from there.
Real Trepanier
onUsually presets
Thomas Tweak
onDo you prefer using presets or programming your synth patches from scratch?
Sometimes I prefer tweaking a preset and at other times I want to create my patches from scratch.
onUsually i start from preset and then tweak a lot to fit my taste!!
onBoth of course
Rolly Gao
onI like to start with a preset.
Maurus Fernandes
onMaking your sounds from scratch can be fun and unique but I prefer presets. As presets let’s me get vibe of the melody more quickly as I can change through fast.
onI like to see what I can do before I check what others have done. Have spent countless hours designing sounds.
Joel Gomer
onI always start with a preset as a jumping off point.
David Noll
onI like to program my synth patches from scratch
onWhen I was much newer to music production, I would exclusively use presets, but now using some knowledge that I have gained from learning synthesis, I like to experiment with synths to get the sound that I want. However, if I am a bit bored, I might use a preset.
onStart with init preset then tweak
onI like to program my synth patches from scratch, but sometimes i surf factory presets
onPresets and distort to my liking. Dawesome is Awesomeness!
onI use presets
onAfter getting myself familiar to the options, I prefer to have a quick look at the entire preset library but then start from a preset to sculpt a sound I need.
onI usually start with presets that get me in the ballpark of what I need, or presets I have made beforehand :)
Thanks for the chance!
onI prefer to use preset. Because i can imagine how the arrangement would be if i heard the preset first.
Granular love
onPresets for inspiration
onI’ve used both methods. It depends on what kind of sound i’m trying to reach.
Nicola De Ieso
onI prefer using presets
David Hoover
onIt always depends on the synth itself. Presets are the start of exploration and sometimes they are good enough to throw in a mix with amazing results. Phase plant got me introduced and hooked on exploring sounds by building and tweaking. I haven’t found another synth that makes me want to explore tweaking yet I’ve used Phase Plant presets that worked well for my ears. I’m open to new synths though haven’t found any I’m more interested in yet.
onI like to design sounds from scratch, it’s really exciting when you’re looking to make a specific sound and then find yourself lost in a galaxy of other sounds while experimenting… then you end with a full bank of synth patches while you were « only » trying to create one sound!
onI prefer to start with presets and tweak them from there.
onI make my own presets, I get inspired by the motion of the ancient gears of the universe that is determined by the rules of consonance and dissonance. What I listen at the demos reminds me of these motion. I want to tweak further.
onI definitely like to start out with a preset and then tweak it, automate it until it suits what I’m trying to achieve.
onMainly design my own but will use a preset for some sounds, like a sampled instrument for example.
Vish Sr
onPresets with required effects and fine tuning
Ari Politi
onI’d love to design my own presets, but I’m afraid it would take me too much time.
That’s why I stick to existing presets.
Tristan G.
onI prefer to use presets to start, then I tweak it.
onOh, presets for sure.
onPresets normally but I do like to experiment from scratch to blend a sound to a track, normally lead synth.
onDepending on ideas I have I’m working with either or both to be honest. Love to get creative motivation from presets though.
onI do both
Vinícius Lessa
onHi, so the presets help me out in what for me is the most vital part of Producing: the composition. I mean, I get an Idea, I start immediately writing some melodies and harmonies with the use of a vast list of presets that I’ve got, I love it, it helps me a lot.
onI create my own patches or modify an existing preset. Occasionally I use a preset but make it my own with effects.
onI often start with preset and end up tweaking it into something completely different, but sometimes a good preset can write a song itself.
onOnly from scratch !
onItS a fun challenge to start from a INIT patch.
To see were it can take me.
onUsually presets
onWhenever I really want to get an idea rolling, I go for presets. When I already know exactly what sounds I want, but am still crafting the main idea for a song, I take more time tweaking presets, and or making new ones from scratch.
onI like to use presets when sketching out a track, then tweak / remake them / kill my cpu with a giant fx chain to start building the colour and character. :D
Ryan Gemmel
onI try to patch from scratch, but definitely find some inspiration by going through any presets.
onI like using presets, but modifying them if necessary.
onA good preset can lead you down a surprising creative path so good presets as a starting point are important for sure. I always start with a preset that inspires me and tweak it to taste.
Lyke Paws
onI’m on a slow path to get to design my own patches, but as of now, I use presets and tweak them if necessary.
onWhen new to a synth or just looking for a variation: Start with a patch.
When familiar: From scratch. Otherwise it feels hard to completely leave the original.
onI find whenever I try using presets I spend so much time sorting through ones that aren’t quite what I’m after. Especially when I’m not tying myself to a particular vst so I have potentially thousands I *could* use. In the end I get much more done making my own cool sounds and then working out what I’m going to do with them.
onINIT ;-)
onI like to do both and I like to tweak presets to fit the vibes i am going for!
onI prefer to start from scratch- it’s usually easier for me to form my own ideas and create them from a blank slate
Justin Wright
onI started out making patches from scratch, and sometime still do when trying a new synth. However when actually in the zone, making a song, I always reach for presets to tweak.
onI like to start with a plain ol sine wave and just start tweaking synth parameters and flipping through wave tables…
onusing presets
Hugo Brown
onI like to use a preset to get close to what i’m looking for and then change it till i get exactly what i want
onPresets. I then give them a tweak. :))
Mark Gibson
onI use presets a lot, so I buy soundbanks
onI start with a preset and then make adjustments to match what is in my head
Michael Ner
onI like presets first to get a base for tweaking and inspiration
Gage Howe
onSounds are cleaner from scratch.
Jim Cairns
onI usually start with a preset, then tweak or add effects.
Wojtek Cholascinski
onI prefer using presets, they are a base for further twraks but I definitely start with presets.
Rob Turner
onI like to start with presets for inspiration
Sebastian Pantu
oni prefer presets!
onI usually start from an init patch and create a sound, but sometimes I do the opposite, start from a preset and tweak it to my liking
onI prefer making my own sounds, but I often get inspired by going through presets and tweaking presets is often really effective. Deconstructing presets has also been a great way to learn sound design.
onI find look for a preset that sounds good and tweak it until it sounds perfect.
onBoth. Presets assist in time-based constrictions in projects. Presets also especially assist in deeper understanding of the synth going in different directions in sound design than one may have.
Peter Bos
onI like starting with presets to get a feel for the instrument, but then tweak or start from scratch to get the sound I’m looking for.
Quentin D.
onI like to start with a preset and then I tweak depending of what I’m looking for.
onI prefer to patch from scratch but still like to study good presets. !
onBoth, I like programming sounds from init but also get a lot of inspiration from good presets
onI like to tweak presets because they have usually been made with an understanding of the synth’s architecture, especially if it’s a complex one.
onI like to start with presets and when I find one i’ll usually tweak it
onBoth, but usually I start with a preset.
Alex M.
onFor sounds that I have used a lot, mostly hoover and reese basses or pads, I tend to program them myself. But for the majority of leads and plucks, I prefer to edit the presets. I have found that most of the synths I’ve been using have great starting points within their presets, from simple to complex, and many work great just as they are, droping them directly onto my tracks. I’d say a 50/50 overall.
onIf I start from scratch, I lose track of time,
I try to start from a preset.
Ben Pluck
onThese days mainly using presets.
onI like to do both. It depends if I’m in a hurry or not.
Paul Nattress
onI started off loving presets then learnt about creating my own and get a lot of satisfaction in creating my own. There’s still space for presets as there are so many talented sound designers out there creating some amazing presets.
onI might use a preset to sketch in a sound—to figure out the general kind of sound I’m aiming for, but I almost always end up rebuilding the sound from scratch.
onBoth, presets are helpful for learning, but I invariably tweak them to my liking or to use as a platform to go further.
onI prefer using presets and maybe tweaking a little since I’m bad at synth programming..! :)
Richard Lovell
onI usually start with a preset that’s close to the sound I’m looking for and then tweak it to my liking.
Aethyr Heartsong
onHonestly I go with presets more often than not, but sometimes I’ll tweak it and almost always I’ll use various FX to customise the sound to being more to what I want. It’s very rare that I’ll just use a preset ‘straight’ as it were, but also I’m still figuring out how to make patches from scratch.
onPresets with a little bit of tweaking
onWith so many great producers good enought to provide fantastic presets, why re-invent the sound? Just use the presets as a base and develop the sound you need. The only difference to this scenario are synths like Omnisphere that can accept your unique sound input to develop …… still a bit like presets I suppose:)
onPreset Gang 👌
onPresets – Depending if I can be bothered, I have the option of reamping through all sorts of FX pedals and Valve Amps.
onI program my own patches for synths 80% of the time but still buy presets to learn new tricks and get ideas.
Arne Svendsboe
onI prefer presets, bacause that is faster for me.
onI enjoy designing from scratch, however it is also good fun (and an excellent way to learn) to try to recreate an amazing preset from one synth in a different synth.
onI always start with presets to hear the synth capabilities at first, and for inspiration before tweaking them…
Luka Dujmic {theperfectnumb}
onPresets are fun to get inspired, especially if I’m feeling stuck and need something to get me excited and get the creative juices flowing or to use in ways to try and decipher/deconstruct just how the producer/musician was able to make the particular preset and usually during that somewhere along the way I hear something I like that’s nothing like the preset and off I go into sound design and creating my own sound that feels one of a kind and inspiring to me. I’m already an owner of Kult and basically any and everything that Tracktion/Dawsome have put out but REALLY wanna get my hands on those presets by Spektralisk who I’m also inspired and motivated by as well. Thank you for your consideration and for doing awesome giveaways like this!
onNeither. I just like looking at the interface.
onI always run several presets to check what’s possible, then I start to tweak them.
onI like to mix and match, sometimes craft a sound from scratch or tweak it a little or further affect it with other plugins or bounce it in place and then reverse it or something interesting! Kind of depends what you’re going for and how much time you have. Presets can be good especially if you know what you’re looking for. I don’t like to scroll endlessly, so quality all rounder sounds make a big difference.
onIf I have time I like to start from scratch! But when there’s a deadline or other time constraint I’ll pull up a preset and tweak as necessary.
onI’ll usually throw a preset on, then build off of it/tweak it to my liking.
Someday I wanna start from scratch, but it’s a little too time consuming to make the sound I’m after… maybe I’ll become more competent starting from scratch someday ;)
onI get inspiration from preset and sometimes tweak if required, usually remove or reduce the effects.
onAh. This is a tough question. It depends on the project.
Sometimes a preset just nails the sound I am seeking. I will do very little to it at that point. Sometimes adjusting the cutoff filter and light modulation effects. Other times, a preset is not sitting how I want it and it requires customizing, often those would be ARPs. Rarely is the ARP hitting the exact notes needed.
Thanks for doing this giveaway; looks and sounds amazing.
onI love both.
Preset tweaking is a great way of learning how a synth behaves, but when a patch built from init is a perfect fit, it’s a beautiful day.
onIf I have a very specific sound in mind I’ll try and make it from scratch, otherwise I’ll start with a preset and make adjustments.
Cristiano Barata
onI’m a compulsive tweaker, so I prefer to create my sounds, either from scratch or by editing existing presets.
onPresets to start so I can get my idea down fast. Then the tweaking of the preset to the “let’s make this difficult!” I typically revert to tweaking of original…
Austin Hardy
onPatching synths is part of the fun, but naming useless patches is my passion!
Irion Da Ronin
onI do my presets sometimes, and some other times i use already made presets. Good luck! :D
Jim Achen
onI’d say both, but mostly preset and tweak it.
onWell, I usually start by listening all the presets and then I try to pick the ones I loved and see how they’ve been built, sometimes I’ll just tweak them a bit and see whether I can achieve to “create” a derivative sound out of it that I like.
onI prefer programming sounds from scratch. I like to start with something as universal as a sine wave and then see how things evolve from there. That said, you can learn a lot about how a synth works by studying presets.
onPresets then tweak them to taste!
onstart from scratch, end up hating it, use preset instead :)
onA preset first if it sounds interesting and work on it until it sounds more ‘ like it ‘ .
DJ Nielsen
onI love creating from scratch. I think you’re much more confident in your sound/music when you understand and know your mastery of different synthesis/techniques. This leads to a bigger ease in finding your signature sound as an artist.
onme diggums presets primarily, lest me feels emboldened to cook up me own sauce, then me gets cooking
onI like creating sounds myself using basic forms like a sine wave and then seeing what happens. However, it is helpful to study presets to understand how a synthesiser works.