The Crow Hill Company has released Amp Bass, their latest addition to the free Vaults series.
The Crow Hill Company’s Vaults series has delivered some inspiring sounds since it came on the scene and is, perhaps, starting to fill a gap left by LABS, as many users jumped ship at the mention of a subscription plan.
One of the last and most interesting releases is Wavering Choir. If you haven’t heard it yet, it’s a bit weird and a bit wonderful.
The latest addition to the vault is Amp Bass, the much-loved sound of a Precision bass, or the sound of brown, according to The Crow Hill Company.

The Fender P-Bass tone is the driving force behind so many hit records and, in fact, entire genres. That iconic fuller tone, which’s always punchy and clear, is never more evident than in the sound of Motown and the legendary James Jamerson.
If you play like James Jamerson, you’re doing better than most; for the rest of us, plugins like Amp Bass are a must-have.
Amp Bass comes from a 2016 vintage re-issue Precision bass, played with a pick and thumb style.
The instrument has the standard Vaults interface with two large dials and four small ones. The first dial is Fuzz, which dials in the sound of the bass running through a SansAmp Bass Driver (then power drained).
The second dial lets you blend between the Pick sound and thumb-style playing.
The first of the small dials is a custom tilt EQ, allowing you to add more high-end clarity, perfect for melodic lines/solos.
The next is Sub, which resynthesizes the current note an octave lower for a subtle but noticeable rumble.
Echo (delay) and Splosh (reverb) are the last controls, as standard on all Vaults plugins. The cool thing about these two effects is that you can reverse the chain; you can have the delay going into reverb or vice versa.
Amp Bass is a nice addition to a growing collection of impressive and usually quirky instruments.
If you haven’t downloaded Vaults Chorus Synth (Juno-6-inspired) yet, grab it now before it leaves the vault forever.
The Vaults plugin is available in AU, VST, VST3, and AAX formats for macOS(10.15 and higher) and Windows (10 and higher).
Download: Amp Bass (FREE)
onIf you love Spitfire LABS, then you should be all over this. Unlike LABS, these dissapear after a few months, so if you jump on board now, you will be able to pick more than just this up, but not back as far as #1, which came out some time last year. Also unlike LABS, this isnt a a gateway freebie into a paid product.
Annihilation's Veil
onThe Vaults instruments are delightful. And I’ll add that the Vaults plugin runs a lot better on my old i5 processor than Labs which chugs along…
Tomislav Zlatic
onI’m hoping they’ll bring them all back briefly at some point, though. I missed a couple and now they’re gone. :(
onI’m hoping they ditch the stupid activation requirement at some stage. There’s no need for machine-locked online activation in supposedly free sample libraries. Same goes for LABS.
If you’re using these in any important projects be sure to bounce to audio in case you find yourself unable to activate them down the line.
onI’m sorry, could you explain what you mean? I am all new to this plug in world and although i got 4 of the Vault instruments, i have no clue what this machine locked online activation is and since i used their Celeste in a very lovely piece and ….well, if you could find the time to explain this, i’d be very grateful, thank you!
onIt means you have to install the libraries through their app, which in turn activates them via a connection to their server. The activation step unlocks the libraries so they will work, but only on that specific computer. So you can’t back up the libraries and copy them to a new computer at a later date without having to re-activate them through the app.
It’s a bit of a hassle, but the real issue occurs down the line if you can’t activate them anymore because the activation server or the company are no longer around.
This is why I never rely on anything that uses online activation and try to avoid it as much as possible.
When I was starting out I didn’t care so much. I was just happy to be getting all these pro plugins and sample libraries for free, but as time went on I lost access to more of them, even ones I paid good money for.
Nowadays there are so many options for plugins and sample libraries that it’s entirely possible to avoid ones that require this kind of activation. Any plugin that can be activated completely offline for example. Or any of the many offerings that don’t require activation at all.
Vaults Beta (which includes the Celestatone) doesn’t require any activation so you can safely download and keep the installer for future use. However, you only get the first six libraries.
Rob Boss
onyou can still get the vaults beta containing the first six instruments
onI contacted them in November last year to ask ’em if I could recover already dropped Vaults instruments, and they surprisingly sent me a link to add the dropped Vaults instruments to basket.
Though I must mention, the ones I recovered I had already added to my account before Vaults Beta was migrated to the Crow Hill App.
onSooo any hint for that link? Asking for a friend :’)
Tomislav Zlatic
onUnfortunately, I had to remove several comments (three in total – one comment and two replies) to prevent the comments section from becoming a source of negative energy.
IMPORTANT: Bedroom Producers Blog is a safe place for music producers of all backgrounds and identities.
Everyone is welcome, and I want everyone in our community to feel included and safe here.
Most importantly, there is more than enough negativity in the world. This website and its comment section are a place of positivity and support for our small but beautiful worldwide community of bedroom producers.
Please keep the discussion on the topic of music production. There are many other places on the web to discuss other topics. BPB is a website about music production.
Peace and love to everyone. Let’s keep this tiny part of the internet safe, positive, and a place of support and inspiration for music creation.
I want everyone’s day to be better after visiting BPB. Stay safe and thank you for reading this.
onSanity check <3
Moon Doggy
onIt’s such a shame the owner of Crowhill has a history of anti-trans remarks because this company releases some great free products.
That said, even if you have no problem with that inconvenient tidbit, Crowhill’s self-imposed time limit on their libraries is a royal pain for those of us who are unable to download, install, and authorize software on a regular basis. Plus their free software release setup clearly exploits a FOMO mindset.
p.s. I see that other comments have been removed due to “negative energy” so I’m assuming mine will also be axed despite having only the best intentions here. I just think others should be warned about the downsides of Crowhill so that everyone is aware and able to make their own informed decisions.
Tomislav Zlatic
onThe other thread was removed because it contained insults and was turning into a flame war. I want to keep BPB free from that kind of behavior. There’s nothing wrong with discussion as long as it stays on topic and remains respectful, without insults, hate, or negativity.