Ewan Bristow has blessed us with yet another weird and wonderful release: EB-CatNip, a frequency-shifting delay plugin powered by Plugdata.
If you’ve used Ewan Bristow’s plugins before, you can no doubt guess that EB-CatNip runs in the free Plugdata programming environment.
Plugdata runs on macOS, Windows, Linux, and more as a plugin (VST3, LV2, AU, CLAP) or a standalone app.
Bristow describes EB-CatNip as his cutest plugin yet and features Fred the kitty on the display, but its sounds are anything but cutesy.

Rather, as we’ve come to expect from Bristow, the plugin can produce some wild and experimental sounds.
Bristow states that EB-CatNip is heavily inspired by the cow effect on Teenage Engineering’s OP-1 Field synth.
He describes the release as a delay plugin with an SSB-based frequency shifter in between every pass and adds that it’s a sound design funhouse.
Bristow created an introductory YouTube video running over the features and showing off some of the bizarre sounds that the plugin is capable of creating.
In the video, he runs an electronic drum beat and edits the Frequency, Delay, Feedback and SDBand parameters
The Frequency parameter adjusts the amount of frequency shifting applied between each delay rotation, while SBBand “blends upwards and downwards shifting.”
Delay adjusts the delay time, while Feedback adjusts the amount of the original signal fed back into the delay loop.

When I listened to the plugin in action, it was clear that even with these four main panel parameters, EB-CatNip can produce a wide range of sounds, from subtle modulation to sound effects reminiscent of a sci-fi movie.
But wait, there’s more! The developer included a modulation page with an LFO section that controls the envelope type, amount, speed, and destination of the modulation.
There’s also a three-band EQ to shape the sound, a wet-dry mix control, Input, Output, and a Spectral Gate that’s applied before the delay chain.
I have to say that Bristow just keeps doing himself with each release, and it’s hella impressive how much creativity and features he puts into these freebies.
We also recently covered the release of his EB-Dione creative sampler.
EB-CatNip can be downloaded and used without any cost, but Bristow also lists a £5 purchase suggestion price if you wish to support his work.
To get a copy of EB-CatNip, complete the checkout Bristow’s Gumroad page, provide an email address and then you’ll be immediately forwarded to the download page, which also features instructions on how to install the plugin with Plugdata.
Download: EB-CatNip (FREE/ $5 – requires Plugdata)
Ron ronron
oncomment sectionnnnnnn!!!!! Mount up!
onThat plugin jumped on my DAW and pushed all the others from the edge… o_O;
Stephen Charlton
onThat little rascal ;)
Ewan Bristow
onFred! What did i tell you about playing with the other plugins??
onWho is Fred?
Fred (not mrg)
Arshan Lakdawalla
onPaws up, claws out, swats the monitor off the table
Ewan Bristow
onThe cat
onFred the cat.
Ewan Bristow
John K
onNot tried this myself but maybe this is worth checking out? (Roland Micro Rack reverb sim)
onUAD Producer Edition at Plugin Boutique, 23 plugins for €90 is less than €4 per plug
Tomislav Zlatic
onNice one, thanks Numanoid!
onA dealbreaker sadly for me is that a user have to be online to be able to use the plugs, even after installed.
on…the alternative would be an ilok dongle.
Gery Zenz
onand Melda MTurboEQ is $9 for the next 9 hours.!
onIf it was mpowersynth I would jump on it! :-D
ongreat plugin!
also this:
Blueprint: Bass Guitar for free
Tomislav Zlatic
onHey @avilla, thanks for the link. Btw, you posted 40+ comments on this post after this one and the mods removed them – I’m presuming you didn’t have any bad intentions (perhaps you couldn’t see the comments after being posted so you tested the comment form) but please don’t do it in the future because it creates extra work for the mods. If there’s an issue with the comment form, please report it asap through the contact page: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/contact/
Thank you!
onhi! i posted because i was mad for posted 5 times in the exact time that the freebies comes to my mail and never ever posted in the feed. So i was disapointed once again.
thank you
Tomislav Zlatic
onHey avilla, don’t be disappointed. First, thank you for your support! :)
Second, I’m not sure what you mean. Did you post comments about freebies but didn’t see them on BPB?
If you prefer, feel free to drop me an email through the contact form.
onOften i do comment about brand news freebies, but never was puted in the feed. The next time i’ll make a contact mail.
onFyi, to leave a comment on BPB, you need cookies enabled in browser settings, otherwise the comment will not appear after post.
Many thanks for the helpful info, its much appreciated by many even if there are no replies i guess 😊
onThanks, i mention the cookies because some people use different devices & browsers which have differing settings for cookies.
Also if you didn’t know… when you paste a full link, it needs to ne moderated first (to keep everyone safe.
If its a really time limited offer, you can leave out the first part of the link (h t t p s…) and your post will appear.
Many thanks for your info 🙏
Tomislav Zlatic
onHey PureFire, thank you for your helpful input as always! :)
Tomislav Zlatic
onThanks @avilla! Thank you for posting here and I’m looking forward to your emails!
Dexter U.S.
onsomewhat different than what I built with rnbo max but similar. Looks like he does cool graphics for them playing around I was thinking that the noise gate sounded good when I was adding stuff randomly to improve the sound.
Ewan Bristow
onIt’s a super simple but fun effect!
Dexter U.S.
onI was curious about random frequency values in a range where the upper and lower values were defined… That I was able to get a whole bunch of feedback delays to vst3 is why I am interested in max rnbo.
Silvio Maia