Free To Use Sounds offers an exclusive 80% OFF discount to all Bedroom Producers Blog readers. You can get their full product line with 425 sound libraries for only $19 ($92.30 value) until July 15th, 2021.
To get the 80% OFF discount, use the coupon code bedroomproducer at Free To Use Sound’s official Bandcamp page. Visit the Bandcamp page, click the Buy Digital Discography link, then redeem the coupon code.
So what are you getting in this deal?
Free To Use Sounds is a project by Marcel Gnauk. He travels the world with his girlfriend Libby and captures high-quality field recordings in various places, from cities and rural areas to jungles and beaches.
He publishes new sound libraries every week and 425 collections have been published so far. You can get this entire collection of sounds in WAV format for only $19 with our exclusive discount code.
The provided sounds are royalty-free and you can use them in your commercial projects.
It’s almost impossible to count all the different sounds included in the Free To Use Sounds discography. You’ll find everything from rain sounds, ocean sounds, and thunderstorms, to foley sounds, crowd recordings, cars, airplanes, parks, birds, sound effects, guns, and more.
If you’re doing sound design for movies, YouTube, or any other creative project, this sound collection is an absolute must-have. And for the price of $19, it’s an outright steal.
Check out the screenshot below to see the coupon code in action.

So, visit the Bandcamp page, click the Buy Digital Discography link, then redeem the code bedroomproducer to apply the discount.
This exclusive 80% OFF deal ends on July 15th, 2021.
For a free taste of Marcel’s field recording work, check out the World Sounds library that is free to download from 99Sounds. It features an overview of some of his popular recordings.
You can also follow Marcel’s new YouTube channel and his Instagram profile where he posts the latest updates from his travels.
Download: Free To Use Sounds (use the coupon code bedroomproducer when you click the Buy Digital Discography link)
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