Chorust Is A FREE Chorus Plugin From Beatskillz


Beatskillz offers the Chorust lo-fi chorus plugin as a FREE download for a limited time.

There is something deliciously dated about slapping a chorus effect on everything.

As an occasional synthwave producer, I know the power of a chorus slapped on every single element of a mix to give it that vintage character. Chorust by Beatskillz looks to be a chorus in the same vein.

At its core Chorust is a vintage special when it comes to chorusing. The character and novelty of those early digital units are the backbone of what makes Chorust unique.

The interface is thoroughly modern, with a small smattering of controls to control your audio.

The left slider controls the intensity of the modulation, acting as an erstwhile dry/mix knob. It can go from subtle width to rain-soaked neon excess in no time.

The Type A and B sliders are reminiscent of the chorus selection in any number of Roland Juno emulations. The first selection is a more subtle chorusing, while the second is far more overt in what it imparts to a signal.

The width control handles, you’ve guessed it, the width. Bit silly to state, but it is very to the point.

The center panel houses a pair of filters and a lo-fi control. The filters are based on the ladder topology, made most famous by the Moog family of synthesizers.

I couldn’t grasp if it introduces any saturation to the signal path, but there is, thankfully, no stepping to the controls. I would have loved to see some form of resonance integrated, though.

The lo-fi control is sort of a grab bag for emulating the various flaws and limitations of those old-school chorus units. Sample rate reduction, bit crushing, and noise are added to the signal path.

This is especially evocative of those old Juno chorus units, especially concerning how noisy they can be on less cared-for synths.

If you’d like to grab Chorust, it is free for Mac and Windows users. Supported plugin formats are VST3, AAX, and AU. In addition, it has native Apple Silicon support and requires MacOS 10.13 or higher.

Download: Chorust


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About Author

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Liam is a producer, mixing engineer, and compressor aficionado. When not mixing, he can be found pretending to play guitar, as he has been doing for the last 20 years.


    • Thanks T awesome news, much appreciated BPB, Beatskillz.
      An awesome plug-in, it sounds real nice and its a great gui too with smooth operation on the controls 😊💛

  1. Michal Ochedowski


    Rift Feedback Lite is free at Regular price 29 EUR. It’s definitely not the first time, but perhaps someone still doesn’t have it.

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