ADSR Sounds offers the Spread Light stereo enhancer plugin as a free add-in with any purchase this month.
Spread Light by Yum Audio is a stereo enhancement plugin that has popped up on our radar several times over the last couple of years.
The handy plugin has already been available as a freebie in several promotions, but I know too well the pain of knowing about a deal and not acting on it.
So, if you didn’t get your hands on Spread Light during the other promotions, here’s one more chance, thanks to ADSR Sounds.
To claim your free copy of Spread Light, purchase anything from ADSR Sounds and check the free gift box before you complete your payment.
The offer is only valid during October 2023, so act fast before you forget (unless I really am the only one who does that).

Spread Light is a CPU-friendly plugin that shouldn’t cause problems even with multiple instances running. It allows you to adjust the stereo width via two different processing modes. The available modes, Mid-Side and Haas Effect, offer different pan and widening behaviors.
Part of the instant attraction to Spread Light is that it’s more versatile than many other lightweight alternatives.
Despite being a lightweight plugin with fewer features/functions than the flagship version, Spread Light might be all you need.
If you want to keep your bass right down the middle, widen synth lines, pads, and strings, or create a vast, spacious atmosphere, Spread Light does the job with minimal fuss.
Whether you’ve used similar plugins before or not, Spread Light’s straightforward workflow will help you get the right results quickly. You can find the perfect spread with just a few simple controls: Mode Selection, Tilt, and Width.
The plugin also has an Output Gain Slider to keep your gain stage in order.
The Yum Audio website has some interactive demos that let you turn Spread Light on/off while you listen to various tracks.
Spread Light currently has a retail price of approximately £48, making it a nice little steal if you can pick it up for free.
On another note, one of my favorite recent freebies is Electric Keys by Fracture Sounds, so don’t forget to check that out if you haven’t already.
Spread Light is available in AU, VST3, and AAX formats for macOS and Windows.
Check out the deal: Spread Light (FREE with any purchase at ADSR Sounds during October)
Bogdan Shoshyn
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