Bedroom Producers Blog releases BPB Cassette Drums, a free sample-based virtual drum machine featuring the sounds of a Roland TR-808, TR-909, TR-606, and the MFB-522 Drum Computer.
BPB Cassette Drums is the new and improved edition of our old cassette drum bundle. The new version of the plugin combines all the drum kits into a single unit while also introducing numerous improvements.
By the way, if you need more drums, check out our free drum VST plugins article.
Let’s start with BPB Cassette Drums’ sample content.

The plugin uses samples of legendary drum machines that I manually recorded and then resampled from an old SABA tape deck and the TASCAM 244 Portastudio 4-Track Cassette Recorder. I also captured a set of MFB-522 sounds from my trusty Echocord tape delay.
I varied the gain to capture different types of distortion for each drum machine. The plugin also includes 100% clean versions of each kit, so you can choose what flavor to use in your project.
BPB Cassette Drums includes thirteen drum kits in total:
- Clean TR-606
- Warm TR-606
- Hot TR-606
- Clean TR-808
- Warm TR-808
- Hot TR-808
- Clean TR-909
- Warm TR-909
- Hot TR-909
- Clean MFB-522
- Tape MFB-522
- 4-Track MFB-522
- Delay MFB-522
The new user interface provides direct control over each drum channel, allowing you to fully customize each kit.

You get fourteen drum channels, each with adjustable volume, pan, decay, and pitch. You can also route each channel to a different output in your DAW for additional processing.
The plugin also features an array of built-in effects, including distortion, reverb, delay, vinyl, and more.
Keep in mind that some of the kits have tape distortion baked in, but you can always add more distortion and dirt for added flavor.
BPB Cassette Drums was created with SampleScience, a talented developer who provided the plugin’s engine. Definitely check out SampleScience’s website for more free and paid plugins.
If you’re a fan of analog drum machines, BPB Cassette Drums is an easy way to add some of these legendary drum sounds to your toolkit. The cassette processing makes them useful for lo-fi beats and layering over clean drums.
I love dirty tape-processed drum hits, and I originally made these sounds for personal use. However, it seems I’m not the only fan of lo-fi analog drum machines since the BPB Cassette series is one of BPB’s most popular free downloads to date.
You can download BPB Cassette Drums for free from the Gumroad page linked below.
BPB Cassette Drums is compatible with VST, VST3, and AU plugin hosts on Windows and macOS. The download size is 85.3 MB (ZIP archive).
Download: BPB Cassette Drums (enter $0 as the price to download for FREE)
onThank you for these awesome plugs :) all in one is the best form :)
Tomislav Zlatic
onGlad to help! :)
onLove it.Best drum plugin with great sets of kits imo :) Thank you BPB for providing another gem :)
Tomislav Zlatic
onThank you so much! :)
onGreatness!!! Thank you.
onAcoustica Audio released Pumpkin a free saturation tool
Tomislav Zlatic
Frank Labuschagne
onRecently spoke with Peter from SampleScience, seems like a good dude, I of course can’t run those (and many others’ plugins) because they use win8+ dependencies.
Tomislav Zlatic
onI can confirm that Peter is a great guy! :)
onGreat!!! Thank you. I’ll check it later today…
onNice one. Thanks!
onThe demo video sounded sweet.
onbooya! The last drum machine was fire. Stoked to check this out. Thank you!
onNice! Thanks so much.
onAbleton 11 user here, are there any instructions for installing these? I’m using Mac M1 and have had success dragging things in the past but this does not appear to work.
I know it’s free so not expecting too much, however I was just searching for basically this the other day, so I’d be pretty happy to get my sticky little mitts on it anyway.
Thank you! Love your website
onI’ve not looked at this new one yet, but if it’s anything like the previous BPD plugins, you need to ensure that the plugin files make it into:
Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ (AU . component file extension)
Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ (VST 2 . vst file extension)
Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/ (VST 3 . vst3 file extension)
Katie b
onI have so many renditions of these samples… ugh. and this same reused vst visual template again. I love free vsts though lol
“once you have a collection” fear and loathing quote
onNobody is making you download them. ;)
Bashing on free samples or the interface is kind of petty.
onnope its not. All these things CAN and WILL be improved apon. Criticism makes us stronger and more nuanced. Free doesnt mean good. We know this. Its okay. having taped 606s is cool and ive personally used the old version a ton. this is made to pickup and jam immediately. Id rather load this than kontakt! But trust we NEED criticism and rudeness and openminded ness and general resilience to freedom of speech BACK!! we are giving in to soft minded and emotional positions instead of becoming stronger as a TEAM? You have not endured a second of real abuse or actual hateful and disruptive speech. I say we must allow each other to have contradicting and strong optinions!! it makes the TEAM and COMUNITY resilient and strong!!
onYou must be fun at parties!
oni have a tr909
onWhen will you have a build for Linux?
onhow do i resize this plugin in fl studio?
Jorge Augusto
onHi Tomislav,
Congrats on BPB Cassette Drums plugin.
Is it planned for Linux?
Thank you
Best regards,
onThank you. I appreciate this.
I had finally gotten around to installing the old plugins a couple days ago.
onAirMusic Bassline is free for Black Friday:
onResizable gui would be a great addition, plugin doesn’t fit my screen in reaper
on+1 to that! I use Reaper too! I love the sounds… but I can’t preview them with the pads, because they don’t fit in my screen :(
Pablo Baico
on+1 Sadly the same thing happens to me, I love it but I can’t use it because it is not possible to adjust its size. Oh please!
Tomislav Zlatic
onHi Pablo, I’m sorry to hear it. I’ll try to make a smaller version of the GUI, too.
Pablo Baico
onThanks!, Tomislav.
You’re Great.
onThank you! BPB the best free resources webpage.
Tomislav Zlatic
onThank you! :)
onYou’re the best, thank you! I’m excited to make some new tracks with this!
onAbsolutely amazing!!!!
onCrashes in Reaper, can’t open session, any help plz?
onhi. how do i make the plugin – i don’t know if it’s mse files – visible on fl?
onHi! Will there be a Linux release?
onWhy does Wolf Cat Beats plugin looks exactly the same ?
This is very suspicious, do they copy this one ? Are you aware ?
Tomislav Zlatic
onHey Tom, good eye! :) Pierre, the developer behind SampleScience, also helped developed BPB Cassette Drums for BPB. It was a collaboration. That’s why BPB Cassette Drums resembles SampleScience drum plugins.
onHi, will there be a Linux release? Has anyone tried linvst?