Lotus Sound Audio releases LA2-FOX, a FREE Teletronix-inspired compressor plugin for macOS and Windows.
Lotus Sound Audio has followed the likes of Analog Obsession (LALA), IK Multimedia (White 2A), BPB (Dirty LA), and many others by releasing a compressor heavily inspired by the Teletronix LA-2A leveling amplifier.
While many emulations, tributes, and LA-2A-inspired plugins exist, they don’t all take the same route. Some are painstakingly detailed circuit-level recreations, while others just want to get in the same ballpark while adding a personal touch.
The good thing about that variation is that they all have something to offer beyond the primary goal of sounding similar to an LA-2A.
Lotus Sound Audio designed LA2-FOX to provide the original hardware’s warm and always musical compression, adding clarity and punch while managing levels. More importantly, it aims to manage levels without killing the perception of a dynamic performance.

Unfortunately, I hit a brick wall with this one at step one and couldn’t get it running in Logic (I had issues with the latest version and the older Logic 10.7.7).
I’m not sure if there’s a general issue with the AU component or if it’s on my end, but I had no luck with two different Macs, so let me know how you get on with your format/OS/DAW in the comments.
The LA2-FOX interface is instantly recognizable as inspired by the LA-2A, but there are a few differences. The original hardware famously had fixed, albeit frequency-dependent, values for the ratio, attack, and release.
Unlike the original, LA2-FOX features Ratio, Attack, and Release knobs under the VU meter.
On either side of the VU meter are the more familiar Output and Peak reduction knobs.
The original LA-2A is excellent for vocal and bass, amongst other things, and I hope LA2-FOX brings some of that smooth radio-ready character to your work!
If you manage to test LA2-FOX on your machine, please share your impressions below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also, please note that the plugin is not compatible with Pro Tools (thanks to BPB reader Dave for the info).
Another LA-2A plugin, or rather collection, worth keeping an eye on is the UAD Teletronix LA-2A Collection. It’s expensive but often available with huge discounts and a steal if you can get it cheap.
That reminds me, there are only a few days left to get Minimal Audio’s Morph EQ at an 80% discount. It’s a solid buy at $10.
And if you’re looking for more freeware LA-2A plugins, check out our BPB Dirty LA plugin.
Download: LA2-FOX (FREE)
onFrom the Lotus Sound website:
Please note: The plugin is not compatible with Avid Pro Tools protocols.
Tomislav Zlatic
onThanks, Dave. Added to the article.
onI can’t get it to work with Mac on fl studio either
onTested on Windows, in both Studio One 6 and Cubase 13 with no issues.
Apparently, the AU version doesn’t work because Logic requires AU plug-ins to have a X.X.X version number format. The VST3 version should work, according to the devs. They’re also working on fixing this problem. (All of this information is written in the comments on the Patreon post).
onI read that an “inertia” type gain reduction behaviour is crucial to model the “opto” sound. I wonder whether the developer modelled this behaviour or whether he just created an LA2A type GUI with generic compression behaviour?
I wish there review would go more in-depth to analyse the plugins more thoroughly, instead of relying on the descriptions of the developers.
onThis thing is nothing like an LA-2A. It doesn’t behave or sound like it.
onAgree. No program dependent ratio or release behavior at all. It’s basically just a bog-standard digital compressor with minimal features and an LA-2A looking UI. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong about how it sounds or functions (haven’t encountered any bugs or major flaws at least), but it’s more than a stretch to say that’s anything like an LA-2A/opto comp or even analog modelled.
onThanks guys. This is useful info. I will not download it, I’m pretty satisfied with TLS 1295 LEA and the Variety Of Sound Levelling Amp. To me they sound relatively opto, eventhough I never used an analog LA2A
onYeah, I have two LA-2A emulations and still use VOS Thrillseeker LA sometimes. It’s a great plugin. That’s the only plugin, besides Digital Fish Phones Dominion, that I had been using bridged for years until it became x64. TLS 1295 LEA is also nice.
on*Don’t know what happened with my pic in the first comment. Now it’s back. That’s very strange. Is this how people with DID feel? :)
onMy favourite free LA2A-type plugin is still the TLS 1295 LEA Compressor: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2021/01/03/tls-1295-lea
onwavea flite free player available at wavea.co
Tomislav Zlatic
onThanks Angie, this looks cool.