Mouth of Sorrow ($15, less, or free) is the second addition to the Freakshow Industries Vaporware Series of mutated classics.
This multi-voice chorus plugin comes after the similarly disturbing multi-delay, The Dream Eater.
Freakshow Industries is also the company that gave us Pocket Dimension back in 2022.
Mouth of Sorrow has three voices, each with Phase, Depth, Rate, and Shape controls.

Surprisingly, from a plugin with a GUI that is a face made of faces, with a single voice engaged and modest settings, you get a pretty tame chorus effect.
It drifts enough to create interest and tension but isn’t wild; it’s lovely.
Of course, modesty isn’t the goal here; Mouth of Sorrow is about experimental sound design, and that’s where it excels.
With two or all three voices engaged and contrasting settings, you get a chaotic undercurrent, pulling and bending the sound in every direction.
You can make a sound entirely unrecognizable, but I like hearing enough of the dry sound to make it seem like it’s not a new sound; it’s the same sound, just being pulled into the dark side by Freakshow Industries.

Dramatic descriptions aside, it’s a very cool tool for experimental sound design, games, soundtracks, etc.
If you crank the Mind control, the effect is drenched in space and reflections, making it sound even more ominous in most cases.
The Vaporware Series will continue until the developer gets tired of it, which is a fittingly vague timeline for the talented non-conformists.
Freakshow Industries would definitely be the anti-hero if there were a movie about plugin developers, a small group of couldn’t-care-less social misfits who choose to exist, unapologetically, outside the mainstream.
While everyone else proceeds in blissful ignorance, Freakshow Industries is busy creating “audio tools for the end times.”
Like any good anti-hero, they present an alternative image, twisted and mangled, even, but given the chance to do good, they almost certainly will.
In this case, and in real life, not the fictional B-movie pitch above, the apocalyptic-themed developer plays the role of people’s champion by making their plugins freely available to all.
You can buy at full price, buy for less, or steal and pay nothing.
If you choose to steal and select the appropriate reason from the shortlist of blunt excuses, you’ll get potentially limited support and no upgrades but an otherwise fully functioning license.
Mouth of Sorrow is available in 64-bit AU, VST, VST3, and AAX formats for macOS (10.13 and higher) and Windows (10 and higher).
Check out the deal: Mouth Of Sorrow (Buy for $15 or even less – or steal for FREE)
onI really like the Freakshow Industries stuff- very interesting GUIs and some really wild results. Nice if you need to throw a little chaos into something or find yourself getting bored and want a plugin that isn’t predictable
Rox Roll
onYou got the plugins for free but they will humiliate you as thiefs.
onI love FreakShow stuffs !
I prefer the previous one, The Dream Eater, crazy stuff ! (as always with FreakShow :)
onI don’t see an issue here this is funny
Brenny C
onAnd? If you’re feeling humiliated for being called out as a “thief” then you should purchase the plugin. After all, that’s the crux of their business model and I see no issues with it.
It’s an extremely clever way of going about it while also being generous to those of us who legitimately can’t afford it.
onI love all this Freakshow Stuff – it is very well made and with a little bit fiddling you can get more tamed down sounds. However, for me the fully weird and noise stuff is where all the fun and beauty is with this plugins. If you are using Reaper you can go to the generic UI page, the labeling helps a lot in clarifying what each parameter does.
onThese guys rock. I’d be super curious to know what their numbers look like for people paying for the plugin versus stealing it. I feel like in the beginning, they were more low-key about the option to “steal it” from them and it was kind of hidden on the site (I could be very wrong on this though). Now it’s right there for all to see. Not gonna, lie, I grabbed this one for free – have purchased 4 of their other plugins in the past – still made me feel a little guilty though. lol!
on@obo – I think they managed and succeeded in getting a loyal customers followship. I know a lot of people – including me – who stole their plugins first and later came back buying the plugins and / or buying their merchandising. And, let’s be honest, everybody who really wants to steal any plugin (from any brand) can get any license in the ‘darker’ side of the internet. So making people interested in your products and building a loyal customer base pays in the long term. I dearly hope that it pays off for them. I like their stuff.
on0 sympathy for those who code free things into their scripts.