Game Boy LSDJ Noise And Glitch Sessions is a free sample pack containing 97 sounds that were recorded from a black Game Boy running LSDJ software. The captured sounds were created from scratch using LSDJ’s awesome synth engine and its built-in pattern editor.
You’ll probably notice that the included sounds are much more aggressive than what you’d expect to hear in a standard Game Boy video game, for example. While creating the sounds for this pack, I was going for a glitchy, noisy vibe, and the LSDJ synth engine turned out as a great tool for creating such sounds.
See also: Game Boy Drum Kit (Free Sample Pack)All included sounds are 100% clean recordings of the Game Boy sound output, no post FX added. This is also my first sample set recorded in 24-bit quality.
All sounds in this sample pack are provided free of charge and are 100% royalty free. Feel free to use them in any of your music projects, including commercial ones. The sounds, including modified versions of the sounds, may not be redistributed, nor included in other sample packs. Please do not share direct download links, but link to the original BPB article instead. Thanks!
Contents: 97 audio samples (24-bit WAV)
Download Size: 29.8 MB (RAR archive)
Size On Disk: 38MB
Game Boy LSDJ Noise And Glitch Sessions (29.8 MB)
onWow nice one :) !!!
mandi blais
onAwesome samples, very useful.
Bedroom Producers Blog
onthank you!
onhow 2 download where 2 click
onHi, the link is down, can you still get it somewhere?
Tomislav Zlatic
onHey V, the PCloud link is working just fine. Are you getting an error?
on$50 to unlock Pcloud? Dont label as “free”
Tomislav Zlatic
onThe sample pack is free. It seems like our file host (Pcloud) is limiting the download bandwidth. We are moving everything to a new file host. Check back soon.
onIt wants to open as a VLC file. The RAR wont open for unpacking.